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Listening is easy. The difficult one is the non-recreating one. You have to want it to make the famous click in your head. Then it goes.
Just stop.
Save the money and buy something nice of it.
With me it was a motorcycle!!
I can’t stop that easy. I’ve often tried. It might have been 2 days but as soon as I’m stressed or I’m mentally just not well I tend to start again.
You can do it if you really want it.
You shouldn’t try, you should do it.
And what do you want to do if you really stopped smoking and get into such a situation? Pretty stupid excuse you don’t want to raise the perseverance.
Nike has already used the best tip in advertising “Just do it!”
And that’s the problem!
Take off, take a gum or the like under stress and stay with:
No more cigarettes touch! No one needs this carcinogenic dirt.
You don’t want to understand…. You’re legalizing your smoking that you’re bad!
That’s not how it works.
You really realize that you were just nixht at such a point where you were really fucking
So one thing must be aware: if you want to stop, you have to do something for it!! And don’t whim around, that’s counterproductive.
“I feel really bad and smoke helps me relax”
First, you have to stop talking about this. It helps you get sick, nothing else. You’re bad?
Seriously? I asked for tips to stop, not for any people who want me to feel worse than help me. It’s really incredible, I’m trying to find some tips and people like you really don’t make it easier. Unbelievable.
If it’s so great, keep smoking. You’re not so far, because you lack seriousness.
If at some point I managed to stop it and I don’t feel good, I’ll think about taking my life. I feel really bad and smoke helps me relax
Maybe not buy any more dumps?!
I don’t know, I’ve never stopped, I don’t want to smoke.