Tipps wie man sich selber mehr liebt?
Also immer wenn jemand ein Bild von mir macht und versucht es mir zu zeigen, schaue ich weg (oder gucke für 1-2 Sekunden hin) , ich schaue generell nur wenig ins Spiegel
Habt ihr vielleicht Tipps, wie ich meinen Verstand so manipulieren kann, dass ich mich selber mehr mag/liebe bzw. schätze?
P.S. Bin 16m
To love yourself, you will certainly not be able to manipulate your mind – on the contrary!
You’re the way you are. So first find out what happens in you when you look into the mirror or someone shows you a picture of you. What do you feel?
When you find out, consider where the feeling comes from. Perhaps there are experiences that have led to fears, comparisons with others, etc.
After that you do not reach self-love by bending your behavior so that you are more like others. More importantly, it is to accept yourself exactly so, even with the feelings. Feelings can also be held when they are unpleasant, and also such emotions help you survive: pain, grief, anger, anxiety, etc. Get to know you, watch your feelings and join them.
I have a problem with photos of myself on which you can see exactly what health problem I have. It scares me. But that’s not amazing either. I’m looking at the pictures, though I find some details terrible. I don’t have to be a photo model 🙂
Thoughts can be very strong and negatively affect you. If you can’t change them, you can help affirmations or mantras. These are strange at the beginning, but if you go through this, something changes in your attitude.
All good 🍀
10 minutes in the mirror where you feel the most uncomfortable has helped me very much!!!☺️☺️☺️