Tipps wie man komplett vegan wird?

Bin Vegetarier, aber schaffe aus Bequemlichkeit nicht den Schritt komplett vegan zu werden. Habt ihr Tipps wie man als Vegetarier zu 100% vegan wird? Ich ernähre mich eigentlich schon hauptsächlich vegan, zumindest wenn ich Zuhause bin und auch ein Supermarkt-Einkauf ist bei mir vegan, aber wenn ich unterwegs bin hab ich oft Probleme vegane Sachen zu finden bzw. finde es bequemer das schnellstmögliche vegetarische Essen zu nehmen als nach einen veganen Essen zu suchen.

Habt ihr Tipps wie ihr unterwegs euch komplett vegan ernährt? Wie findet ihr veganes Essen?

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9 months ago
  1. the App for Happy Cow. There you will see the next vegan options on a map. The app works internationally:)
  2. There’s something on the way too. It is most difficult for bakers, but there you can get at least one loaf/stange, or a bun without butter/remulade, but for this you can be covered with salad, tomato, onion and cucumber. Isn’t the most delicious in the world now, but if you’re hungry, you’re all right!
  3. For snack bars etc there are at least pommes with ketchup, which is also vegan
  4. Take some food. Zb Nudelsalat in a Tupperdose :3 there I can give you a super simple, super fast and very tasty recipe
  5. Look at the Doku Dominion or Earthlings. The more conscious you are, how absolutely terrible this is, what is also made for vegetarian products with animals, the more no matter that a bread with remulade would have been more delicious…
9 months ago
Reply to  MyNameIsMike

100ml water
50ml Balsamico vinegar
2EL olive oil
1EL vegetable broth
1 glass Mayo

1 can of maize
1 can of peas & carrots
small tomatoes
1 nickpaprika
0,5 onion

500g noodles
Majoran, Thymian, Oregano, Petersilie

At the Mayo it is important that it is a good vegan Mayo. It’s bad.
I recommend the vegan of Hellmanns

9 months ago

If the card has nothing vegan in a restaurant, I take something from the supplement card, for example a foil potato and a portion of vegetables. On the way to the hand, it becomes usually full-grain rolls or comparable.

9 months ago

Take away food (e.g. falafel, which also taste cold) or research online where there is vegan food. Or just go to a supermarket and buy something that is also cold to eat.

9 months ago
Reply to  Solaris80

or research online where there is vegan food.

https://www.happycow.net/ This app is also available for mobile phone if it’s spontaneous:)

9 months ago

I guess you mean “going to eat” or something fast?

This depends very strongly on where you stop, most sensible it is before looking at maps where there are vegan food 🙂 That’s more up

9 months ago
Reply to  MyNameIsMike

Tjoa, how said, google is your friend in the case, you have to research. Depending on what region you live in, there can be a lot of things, but in rural areas, of course, it is usually a little heavier. Basically, when it comes to almost food, Asian diocese (so you eat) are not quite wrong, as there are also various things without meat and other animal products:)

9 months ago

NIEMAND can live 100% vegan:

  • “Hey Veganer, you can’t live 100% vegan!” Find on the Youtube channel of “The Artgenosse”

Do not take the third step before the first – but look at these pages:

  • “Vegan Button-Week”
  • “Unverbissen vegetarian” and
  • “Attention plant eater – vegan for beginners”

You don’t help anyone if you overwhelm yourself!

Good luck on your way…;)