Tipps um lose Zahnspange länger zu tragen?


ich habe eine lose Zahnspange und muss diese eigentlich Nachts und Nachmittags bzw. so lange wie möglich tragen. Nachmittags hab ich eine Zeit lang versucht sie bei den Hausaufgaben zu tragen, mache es aber mittlerweile nicht mehr, nur noch nachts.

Wie kann ich es jetzt schaffen die Zahnspange öfter und länger zu tragen?

Ich merke im Unterkiefer auch, dass sich mittlerweile Druck aufbaut, wahrscheinlich weil ich sie nicht lange genug tragen.

Wann tragt ihr eure lose Zahnspange?

Danke schonmal

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8 months ago

Hello JuBett,

You can discuss this topic sooner or later with your pine orthopedic.

Either you don’t have any more bocks and break the treatment.

Or the orthodontic orthopaedic no longer sees any sense in the treatment and also has no more bock and breaks off the treatment.

Or you agree on a sufficient duration.

Or the orthodontic jaw builds the fixed teeth and continues. But if you’re supposed to hang Elastics, and you don’t have the expensive oral hygiene and you don’t have a bock on it… so maybe you’re like two.

This is the selection – there is no more.

Good luck!


8 months ago


I’ve recently got a twin block and I’m supposed to wear this night and afternoon. My parents always control this very strictly, so that I definitely come to my prescribed wearing time of 12 h. Often it is 15 hours a day. I have seen that there are special apps to track and measure the wearing time. Maybe this will help you.


8 months ago

I carried my loose braces almost around the clock apart from meals.

8 months ago
Reply to  JuBett

You can learn how to talk with time. Ging with me within a few days. And yet, I’m just thinking that I’ve always taken them out in English, because it was simply not possible to “th”. My friends didn’t say anything about it, it was normal, I wasn’t the only one with braces at that time. I had FKO models.

7 months ago

Hello JuBett,

I was recently using my Kfo and get several non compliance devices in a few days. So far, I had no loose braces and according to my treatment plan, I only get a loose brace as a retainer brace. I haven’t had experience with these Non Compliance devices yet, but I can tell you after I got them used. My Kfo wanted to know if I could keep me well in time and since this is not the case, he had put it directly on devices where I hardly have any influence on the progress. I get a fall jaw, lip bumper, BiteTubor and palate neck extensions(only there I have to turn on a screw). That’s what I have 24/7 in my mouth, I don’t know how it will be.

Maybe you can think about something like this after I’ve given you my experience.

I hope I can help you