Tipps nach der Beschneidung?
Hey ich bin Simon und bin jetzt seit 3 Wochen relativ straff beschnitten.
Habt ihr vielleicht Tipps wie ich so jetzt nach meiner Beschneidung am besten Wichsen kann bzw kann ich überhaupt schon wieder und dass meine Eichel nicht mehr so in der Unterhose reibt. Cremt ihr eure Eichel ein ?
Hi, Simon.
If the threads are gone and everything is healed, you can start to make SB again. I’m healthy too! You don’t need to rub your acorn. You keep the SBwie alive. You must wrap your hand around the acorn. You can also include some gliding gel, spit, baby oil, etc. You can also dry it.
LG and lots of fun
But didn’t the doctor tell you? I’ve been circumcised for years. You have a lot more time than before
As soon as everything is cured correctly, you can carefully start self-satisfaction again. Take the best gliding gel.
To avoid friction, you should wear tight underpants that give your penis hold. Slips are best suited.
Hi, Simon
With me it was so that I asked the doctor when I could rewrite one of the palm trees. So he meant 4 weeks after circumcision, I could start slowly
You will certainly have noticed that you have to look around now after your circumcision with regard to the techniques involved. Because hat, baldie doesn’t go anymore.
Have made the experience that with something slippery the simulation of the acorn and the edge of the acorn and the place where the Frenelum was before, is most exciting for me.
But you have to try yourself, because every man is different
What I wrote to you is also my personal experience. I cannot speak for other circumcised men, something cannot be generalized
SB should be possible again. In the beginning I used sliding gel. That was very nice. The friction is not so big and better for the scar, because the inside has to heal even better. Later it went and goes without gliding gel. As you always do, you have to find out, test everything possible. Variants there are many. GV is the most beautiful! If you wear a slip, the friction at the beginning is not so strong and you can get used to it more relaxed. Later it doesn’t matter and everything feels good. After the shower, I’ll get some cream anyway, and there’s a scorn.
I have been trimmed with 13 and already had 2 years of experience with SB before. When the threads are out and everything is dense just re-exploring the mold and doing what you do well. If friction on the acorn is too large, possibly take some normal edible oil or spit. You can do this and enjoy it.
If everything is cured, you can start again.
The feeling in the underpants gives up with the time that takes a bit, try with an attached thing.
You should wait 5 weeks until you can use your cock again mechanically. From experience it is so easy to garnish, but you should not transfer it.
immediately after circumcision I took armaments. Then babylove soap from dm and physiogel. Is hypoallergenic, regenerated and does not stick.
I’ve been straffing since I’ve been circumcision, and after just 3 weeks I started with Sb… Jetz is fine without… Move the skin/hand jetz more so behind the acorn when I dry
If I can’t say anything yet, this year will only be cut voluntarily