Tipps gegen Pornosucht?

Ich (m/32) bin pornosüchtig. Schau mir am Tag durchschnittlich ca. 2-3 Filmchen an. Und das täglich. Es vergeht kein Tag, an dem ich mir kein Filmchen anschaue. Danach fühle ich mich immer schlecht.

Habt ihr Tipps wie ich damit aufhören kann. Bitte nur ernstgemeinte Antworten!

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2 years ago

I have the same problem. I’m looking at normal youtube videos instead. If I get lust, I’ll get my vibrator and fantasize. I could reduce porn to 2 times the week.

Lana rhoades has opened my own youtube channel that eyes. She describes how she felt and other trivia infos. Mia Khalifa among others has suffered very among her porns. There are many who operate suicidal. There are many who are forced to be humbled and I have learned that this is not in order and the soul destroys. I’m practically up and traumatized every time I look porn because I’ve dealt with it very much. The commentary also gives an insight into the psychic of those who look at it. Crane’s all right. Because if someone screams in a porbo or went something is wrong.

2 years ago

You can stop with everything you’re mentally burdened by WILLST. Who doesn’t want to stop.

You don’t have to stop. It just depends on how much you suffer. Porn is made for adults so they feel good. So you can keep looking.

Who suffers, stop. That’s logic. So if you really don’t want to, you don’t look anymore.

2 years ago

What are these nonsensical answers here.

Do you know the Nofap community? It’s kind of subculture, strong in English. Try to minimize it piece by piece. For the first time only one movie a day. If you need to get on twice a day, once with porn and then at least with your thoughts. The goal is, of course, to stop it completely. But whoever flies up will fall deep. Therefore piece by piece.

Be aware of its serious consequences. With porn use you support forced prostitution, sometimes also sex with minors or rape. Was enough scandal. “But the women look happy in the videos,” yes, until they, especially when they are young, inexperienced women, were urged to sign any contract and be sewn, so that they have sold their body and their future for 100 dollars. And then, of course, the video will also be spread to tens of other platforms, of which it has exactly 0 wins.

Aside from the moral aspect. Would you like a million men to look at you like your sister, mother, daughter, wife, has some unwanted intercourse? These women also have family.

Joa… it’s a long way. Those who train for such years cannot expect to be completely clean in 2 days. You will always fall, but it is about making small progress. If you manage to watch this only 5, 4 times a week instead of daily, this is a strong step you can be proud of.

Look at any nofap videos on YouTube. Simply enter nofap. Or Nofap Hamza. It’s English. I don’t share all his views and find something very discourageable, but the young knows how to talk and motivated. Also has 2, 3 videos regarding direct nofap, I think.

Good luck.

2 years ago
Reply to  gutefitness

Feel free to 🦦

2 years ago

It will probably be more of an increased libido for which porn is merely a means of living/self-satisfaction.
There is a clear medical definition for the term “search”.
For the diagnosis of addiction, different criteria must be met simultaneously. Porn watching does not meet these criteria.

2 years ago

Employment! From morning to evening. Make sports, play an instrument or vieo games, read books or listen to podcasts. You decide

2 years ago

Well, as long as you don’t look at rape or child porn, everything’s okay. But if it bothers you, you can treat it with a psychologist.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lfdsfg

Of course it’s not okay. Porn is extremely harmful. Even with one-time consumption. And whoever cannot come without a day is dependent on this dangerous matter.

2 years ago
Reply to  Muslimhelper

I know how harmful porn is, but it doesn’t hurt anyone if he consumes them.

2 years ago

There you go. You said it yourself indirectly. It hurts him. And it hurts society. And the women who do not always have voluntary intercourse.

Besides, hardly one of them will watch excessive porn for many years and will not slip off at some point in sicker stuff. This is a logical course. You blunt. Needs more and more harder stuff. Like any drug. And this more is just a few clicks away.

2 years ago

well, for him

2 years ago

I (m/34), tell you get it under control. Or go to the doctor’s health isn’t that, if you want to rub it for another 30 years, I don’t think with me the “Search” has let down sometime.

2 years ago

Just don’t look anymore

2 years ago
Reply to  gutefitness

Jap, is easier than you think

2 years ago


2 years ago

Yeah, that’s different in drugs.

2 years ago

I’ll get involved in this: you can’t say a drug addict “don’t stop.” Drug addiction has to do with chemical substances that act on the body. A foreign chemical is not present in porn addiction. So your addiction only takes place in your head. And with that you can actually stop with a fingertip – I have experienced it myself. It wasn’t about porn addiction, but I still compare my addiction – just because she had nothing to do with a chemical substance, but with the education of my brain. If you want to know more, ask.

2 years ago

Just don’t watch porn anymore. Find a friend or friend. Internet shutdown helps also

2 years ago
Reply to  gutefitness

If you sign yourself as addictive, although no doctor has diagnosed you with a addiction, this is part of your problem. You obviously get yourself in there.

2 years ago

Just imagine it’s fake! All script

Nix is real

2 years ago

Just look? Or masturbator?

2 years ago
