Tipps für schnellere Genesung?

Hi ich würde vor einem Monat am Sprunggelenk operiert. Nun würde ich gerne schnellstmöglich genesen und wieder mit Sport beginnen. Im unteren Sprunggelenk wurden zwei Knochen getrennt. Daher ist das Gelenk noch ziemlich steif und mein Fuß angeschwollen.

Falls ihr irgendwelche Tipps habt, danke im Vorfeld 🙏

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6 months ago

Hello Tim11208😊

Patience and the correct level of stress are crucial. Did you get prescribed physiotherapy or ergotherapy? There, mainly in the case of physiotherapy, you will be shown how to rebuild your ligaments, tendons, muscles, get looser, and you will also get instructions on which motion exercises or loads are okay for the beginning.

If you do too fast, too much, this can have a detrimental effect on the joint.

6 months ago
Reply to  Tim11208

This lasts, I had a knee surgery in December and still woke up neatly when I am with the physio, that’s really something you need to give time, otherwise you overload the whole thing

6 months ago

2 weeks may be long away from today’s point of view, it is more important to move in here and now, to see what you can do today more than yesterday, not what will be in 2 weeks, 2 months, that is, as I said, nothing that goes fast, it is certainly not your goal to be operated again in the near future, or what remains behind in immobility. Therefore trust in the process and your body, there was certainly a reason for the operation and after this the body has to regenerate once again, in the case stop the ankle.

6 months ago

That sounds like a bigger surgery, which will take his time.

If it’s only a month ago, probably not even the bones are cured halfway.

But also swellings keep much more tough on the wrists and diggers than elsewhere on the body.

It’s best to ask the doctor.