Tipps für einen runden Esstisch?

Hallo an alle!

Ich habe einen alten Esstisch den ich gerne umlackieren und etwas moderner gestalten möchte. Ich möchte unten am Standbein Holz Lamellen im Kreis anbringen, allerdings brauche ich dafür eine Befestigung die stark genug ist und Vorallem im Kreis rum geht. Ich bin zwar Handwerker vom Beruf aber mit Holz kenne ich mich kaum aus, hat da jemand ein paar Tipps und Ideen für mich?

So sieht der Tisch aus:So sieht der Tisch aus:

Und ungefähr so will ich die Lamellen anbringen:

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5 months ago

I’d put a round of folding plywood out around the present table leg.
Then I would get very narrow wooden strips from the construction market – for example, in the field of model construction or comparable – and then you have to decide whether to nail them with very fine nails or apply them with a high quality wooden glue.
Here it is of course necessary to work precisely so that the distances between the woods are the same and there is the desired attractive appearance at the end.
Perhaps the combination of glue and at each end of a fixing nail is also very good. Then the glue doesn’t slip and you don’t have to nail so much.

5 months ago

The good piece is extendable and provided with insert plates. It is impossible to really recommend fastening the new slat column at the top of the table top. Furthermore, I would be disturbed, in principle, by column tables, if I can’t stretch my feet properly and the round column you thought of would limit the freedom of the leg even more. I would remove the table as far as it is going, grind the plates the column as well as the bottom plate carefully, but machine with fine sanding paper (ab180 grit), and then add either to my desired wood direction or brightly lacquer. It is certainly veneered (egg veneer black) and it is not possible to use coarse tools (e.g. tape grinders or hammer parts). Colorful lacquering would possibly also forgive a coarse grinding error, which is cleaned and ground with cement.

5 months ago
Reply to  vatoloco419

Clear lacquer. Spray can from the construction market. Careful, not too thick, spray. Let it dry for one day and spray it again and let it dry. But be careful when grinding, the veneer is under a mm thick and it can be that not everything goes out on black dice. Maybe the table top can also pick up. You should be inquired on the Internet. We did this at an old closet, which is, depending on the average, a pork rice and that you shouldn’t just let it take place in the living room as well as the grinding.

5 months ago

Your table column is not round therefore a dressing with louver will not go so easy.
You could get a plastic pipe that is large enough to fit over the column. If you cannot remove the footplate, cut the pipe in 2 halves and then glue it around the column. Now stick the semi-circular strips (can you leave them on length cutting in the construction market) with mounting adhesive all around the pipe. If everything is dry still spray with black spray paint.