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Hello, Moroi,
People define happiness very different. Lucky is often associated with money, possession, success or health. Although all this can provide a certain joy, real happiness is something far deeper!
Real happiness is therefore possible, but depends on various factors. One of these factors is real Contents. It is already in the Bible that money and possession play only a subordinate role when it comes to satisfaction and happiness.
The Biblical King Solomon wrote: “Who loves silver will never be filled with silver, and who loves wealth, never from income. This is also meaningless” (Prediger 5:10). In other words, who chases after the money will never get enough of it and therefore never be satisfied.
When Solomon was one of the richest people on earth at his time, he knew exactly what he was talking about. Despite his enormous wealth, he came to the conclusion: “But when I thought about all the works that had done my own hands, and about all the hard work I had done with a lot of effort, I saw that everything was meaningless—as if I wanted to catch the wind.” (Prediger 2:11).
So for King Solomon, a life in riches and prunk was quite empty and untenable. Many people in today’s time can fully confirm this. They have noticed that money does not really make happy, rather on the contrary!
What also contributes to satisfaction and happiness is that you no envy feelings is developed, but is satisfied with its own achievements and own property. envy can destroy relationships and poison an inner so that you can no longer enjoy the beautiful sides of life.
A remedy, on the other hand, is humility and modesty, qualities that have come more or less out of fashion. The Bible gives the right hint when it says, “We do not want to become selfish, do not compete with each other or envy each other” (Galather 5:26).
Fortunately, too, to love and to be loved by others. This means that human warmth and security are found in fixed relationships. The Bible expresses this: “Of all these things, but love, for it is a perfect bond of unity” (Colossians 3:14).
What makes life easier is the effort to make the best and use setbacks to the advantage. This then contributes to developing inner strength and not getting ready with sentences, such as: “I don’t devour anything,” or “I’m a total failure.”
Who accepts that it belongs to life to make mistakes and fails, is far better in life. Who is constantly unsatisfied with himself and his life, loses his inner hold and will not be happy.
LG Philipp
Thank you for your detailed answer 🙏🏼
Very happy! 😊
Thank you for the star!
LG Philipp
Be happy with you, give others what they have is generous.
Have no expectations.
Friends only recognize you after a crisis.
Stay true, don’t lie, make sure you can look at each other in the mirror.
helpfulness is a beautiful character move, but don’t let you take advantage.
Do the things that make you happy.
Live so that you are reconciled with all people at any time.
Good for you.
You need a sense in it.
LG Finn
I’m practicing,
get my humour,
more often go to the doctor,
make mistakes rather than nothing,
I bought a lot
can let things go…
You need things that make you fun and always aim… What is important are people who are there for you
Become a designer of your life and not a victim of circumstances.
Chill and have fun.
Find a job you can see less than work and more as a hobby.
Don’t worry, don’t get into any things in the world and talk to people forever.
Be a neutral and chilling person.
Be with yourself in pureness and provide a stable social environment.
Just do what’s fun for you and all day.
be happy
Have fun.