Tipps für Digitales Zeichnen?

Ich zeichne seit mehreren Jahren traditionell auf Papier mit Stiften, aber habe zum ersten Mal das digitale Zeichnen versucht. Ich möchte ein Mädchen zeichnen, was herunterfällt, ihr Kopf ist dabei ein wenig angewinkelt. Mein Problem dabei ist, dass das Gesicht meiner Meinung nach komisch aussieht. Ich versuche seit Stunden die Proportionen, den Winkel, etc. anzupassen aber nichts verändert sich. Kann mir vielleicht irgendjemand helfen? Gerne auch Tipps zum Körper, Haare, etc. Ich benutze die App Krita, falls das weiterhilft.

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4 months ago

The proportions of limbs do not vote.
When someone falls flying all hair up also those in the face, the pony ud the sides. The same applies to the tears that do not flow down but at least laterally. Legs and feet are good but the face is totally unclear, here is less, take away the whole lot of makeup.

4 months ago

My first impression: if what you look out under the ass is to be a hand, the kind of weird proportions and a funny position and quite honestly, the place has chosen something clumsy.
If No Hand is, uh, then I’d rather say nix! 😛

PS: The question would probably be better off elsewhere than in reading & literature.

4 months ago
Reply to  nxcxllx

I’m not here so long. I was just wondering why there was a question in the bookcase where to judge a drawing! 😂

Do you upload the improved drawing again?
I’d be interested in what this looks like.
Personally, I am grottenschlecht in drawing and painting, so I can write my honest opinion, but would definitely not be able to do that better.

I noticed two things that are a little strange.
1. I think the right foot (from our perspective of the left) has a strange position. As I imagine the situation, the sole of the foot would have to be turned to the outside. The foot position looks like the foot turned in an almost impossible amount. (Maybe I see the attitude wrong.) Because you obviously drew the girl in the free fall, she must have other worries than twisting her feet.
Two. The chest area is very empty. It would look more natural if you graphically indicate a breast. As it looks now, it looks very strange. If that’s supposed to be a young girl, then at least one nipple would have to be seen, just as it would be the case if a boy or a man fell here.
In addition, you could still record the arm and knee bow with one knit.

4 months ago

Krita is a good free alternative for “not so experienced” digital drawing

The head and hands are a mini piece too small for it looks really realistic from the proportions

But if you want to invest some money or get a better program

I can’t recommend you now but rescherschier at the internet

And smaller tipp when learning digital recording

There is n yt channel called lina Fleer

It explains a lot and can also propose good programs that do not cost the world

