Any tips for getting started with Unity programming?

Hello everyone,

I'm planning to code my own game in Unity, but I feel overwhelmed by the number of scripts I can use. It's hard for me to know where to start. For example, when I search for "character movement tutorial" on YouTube, I find so many videos where everyone writes different code. I wonder how these people know so easily what to do and can write the code directly, while I often have to watch many videos to find a good explanation.

I'm looking for resources to help me learn without constantly Googling. Are there any good books or other resources you can recommend?

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2 years ago

(…) I find so many videos where everyone writes another code.

Many paths lead to Rome. The various approaches can also be based differently. For example, by different nonity versions, collected experiences/competences or special requirements that can be different from figure to figure (one figure should adjust its speed of the floor level or its health condition, another figure knows only four directions of movement, etc.).

I wonder how these people know what to do (…)

Experience and preparation play there. The latter, of course, remains hidden to large parts to a viewer.

I’m looking for resources that help me learn without constant googling.

Before you start working with Unity at all, I would advise you to learn programming with C# if not done. That means you should be familiar at least in the basics of the language C# (variables, operators, control structures, OOP, Delegates) and you should know how to analyse problems and find ways of solving them. All this requires some learning time and a lot of practice.

If you don’t have this knowledge, you’ll be more inclined. There may be a number of prefabricated assets and tutorials on Unity, but whether they can satisfy your actual requirements is on another sheet.

I have already listed several helpful resources.

With regard to Unity, you will find enough starting material if you only go on their official website and look around there. There is a dedicated learning portal, extensive documentation and API reference. There is also a list of YouTube channels that proposed by Unity. You can look into them once.

2 years ago

So if you really want to write good games, you don’t come around to learn to program. And you’d have to learn that before you can understand the code and build even more complex things.

without constant googling

That’s part of it, it’s not really without. Some things you can’t know by heart.