Tipps für 2-3 tägige Fahrradtour?
Ich möchte im Sommer eine 2-3 tägige Fahrradtour machen mit Übernachtungen. Dazu wäre meine Frage, ob ihr die Zeltplätze im Vorhinein schon buchen würdet oder das spontan macht. Ich fahre in den Sommerferien, wo viele Leute Urlaub haben.
Und dann wollte ich noch wissen, wie ihr eure Fahrradstrecke zusammenbaut. Habt ihr da eine gute App oder wie macht ihr das?
Und zum Zeltplatz, gibt es da auch ne Seite, wo ich weiß, welche Zeltplätze es wo in Deutschland gibt?
I always do the planning with komoot. In cycling routes, I find this app significantly better than Google Maps.
I select start and finish point to get an overview of the entire course.(I usually don’t drive rounds)
Then I look at the proposed route and consider where it is worth a detour (for example, to take along certain beautiful cities, natural monuments, viewpoints, museums or river bike paths.
You can easily find beautiful routes everywhere within Germany – actually within the EU. You just have to be able to estimate how many kilometers a day you can. As a young person, I sometimes drove 150km a day with luggage, today I plan more than 80-100km. Those who are not so trained should expect 50-60km, which is good for an average fit person.
To the campground: I would pick out some campsites before, as possible stage destinations, but book nothing firmly. For a single bicycle R & Tent, a little bit is always free. This will keep you free to break down, or continue to drive as planned.
Campsites I find mostly on Google maps. I don’t know if there’s something better.
For our tours, I always use stubborn Google Maps, actually always works well, on the one hand for planning, navigation and on the other hand for overnight stays.
Pre-booking is not a bad idea, but we never needed, since a cookie is always free. Most of the time, there is a call on the campsite on the same day.
I’ve never done this, and I haven’t had any experience, but if I did, I’d do it like this:
– How long is the distance? How much do I do on a day? Do I just want to go through or see what? Are cities or general sights on my way?
If you have a goal, pointing how far it is and what you want to see, then I would look over Google Maps. Google best places to stay on your route. I would then write an e-mail or call it if you could come spontaneously or rather book. For individual tents is actually always capacity, not as in caravans or campers.