Tips for trying to have children?

My fiancé, a 17-year-old woman, and I (a 20-year-old man) are trying to have a baby and wanted to ask for some tips? Or what I should pay particular attention to? What ovulation tests do you recommend?

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7 months ago

A child is an enormous commitment and also means giving up many others.

If you are fully aware of what it means to be responsible for a child at your young age, and have an environment that allows for a good education (support of family and friends in the first years, secured income, apartment with enough space) it is really enough to go out relaxed and have unprotected sex with good mood.

7 months ago

The most important tip: Make both reasonable trainings or even a study, start earning money and resetting money. Look for a sufficiently large and beautiful apartment or house and start with unprotected sex. That’s all it takes.

7 months ago

There’s nothing to consider except regular sex.

Think well and put enough money on your side.

7 months ago

According to asking from 19 days ago, you are eating habits so sheds mentally ill sorry but this is deadly social and irresponsible to think of a child. Bulimia in pregnancy will bring you and your child to life. This is also extremely dangerous in still time. And even after that your child needs a healthy stsrke mother please go to a clinic etc. and become stable if you were stable in 1.2 years that would definitely be more reasonable