Tinte, die nicht so verblasst?
Ich schreibe seit Jahren Tagebuch und will jetzt wieder von Kugelschreiber auf Füller umsteigen. In einem früheren Tagebuch habe ich aber bemerkt, dass mit den normalen blauen Tintenpatronen die Tinte auf dem Papier mit der Zeit total ausbleicht. Und nein, das Tagebuch lag nicht in der Sonne.
Mit welcher Tinte verhindere ich, dass das passiert? Wenn schwarze Farbpigmente beigemischt sind? Und am besten etwas nicht zu teures und was als Patronen erhältlich ist. Es darf verblassen, aber nicht so krass stark. Danke
There are documented ink in ink bags (see answer from ), but some manufacturers also have documented ink in cartridges (Montblanc for example).
Generally, the typical royal blue ink as it is used in school is not suitable. This is also “releasable” with an ink killer (it is made chemically “transparent”).
In the case of pigmented or iron glooms (for example, under the name “Salix” also from Rohrer & Klingner) You can also clean or rinse the filler. Because if these inks dry in the filler, you can block the filler.
I just ordered a Lamy filler and black ink, hoping this will last longer. It shouldn’t be durable forever, it must leave quiet. It is just that in a few years it is still legible:) I don’t want to spend so much money now and then realize that it’s nothing for me.
https://www.amazon.de/Rohrer-Klingner-dokumentus-darkblau-document inte/dp/B017JA0AK8/ref=sr_1_mod_primary_new?keywords=tinte+documentsecht&qid=1663572586&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHDF
It’s not in cartridges. If you need document-real ink, you do not write with cheap cartridge fillers.
I don’t need documented ink. I don’t want her to fade so much. A slight discoloration and slight fading doesn’t bother me
Montblanc ink cartridges Permanent Blue 107758 – High quality ink for fountain pen Permanent Blue – document authentic ink – 1 box of 8 cartridges https://amzn.eu/d/0q0Izuf
Get a pen of ‘documents’ that do not fade.
The fact that this blows without UV action is not possible at all. Maybe it’s on paper?!
I also use fillers for the diary and I use LAMY. There’s nothing going on!
It can really be on paper. At that time, I used every cheap notebook that fell into my hands. And I’ve shot a lot of things, and I’ve been through the sides where it shouldn’t go.
I also ordered a Lamy and black ink 🙂
Look at the Pelikan Blau-Schwarz Eisengallustinte. This is documented.