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2 months ago

Just as written down relaxation, this also includes taking minerals, putting magnesium levels high.

b- Vitamins, Omega 3 and other things can increase your blood circulation.

2 months ago

I know it’s a bit funny but if I have a ring in the ohr then I do with my thumb and index finger a V shape then I press my lower jaw down with this V shape and hold the 2-3 minutes so then the ring often listens to it but doesn’t work on everyone and no warning if what I have is a tinnitus

2 months ago
Reply to  Annika3425

I just tried that. At the moment I’m pressing it’s gone, but I’m afraid I’m gonna get hurt.

2 months ago
Reply to  Toni2023

I don’t know if I’m going to be either better or complet away but you really have to do at least 2 minutes

2 months ago

Blood flow promoters and highly dosed antibiotics often help over several weeks if it is started shortly after the tinnitus enters

2 months ago

depends on causes of Tinni. stress-related one should avoid future stress. By tightening jaw necks you should be treated regularly, for example by Thai massages

2 months ago
Reply to  newcomer

MIt happy end – so that not only pfeifts in the ears…. 😉

2 months ago
Reply to  horribiledictu

the Thai masseuse I had to translate what it is about.
Have her printed out where in Chinese healing art the massage/trigger points around the ear and in the ear are.

She then also informed herself and performed to the trigger points massage of the neck/shoulder area and pine etc.
This Friday she had made it for the first time that I had no whistle in my ears after almost two years.
I am very grateful

2 months ago


The constant use of akupressur can be another element to “return calm”. In our Facebook group, some of our community have already reported how they were able to relax and sleep better with their own therapy through the acupressur mat – despite blades.

In addition, there are different pressure points that you can specifically control.

Here are some ideas to promote the blood circulation of your ears and to release tensions in the jaw and ear area:

1. You will find the first point in front of your earcup at the end of the jaw joint. When you open your jaw, you feel a kind of hole or cavity.

Two. Then measure a further point above your ear on both sides.

3. If you close your ears from the front with your hands, you will find the next trigger point with your third finger. Here it can be a bit painful or you can’t feel it.

4. The last point is just below the earlobe. You should also massage this with your second and/or third finger.

Press and kreise or massage the points up to five times a day one to two minutes.

Also search for points that are spanned with you (especially) and also massage these points regularly. Take a look at your whole body. Because tensions do not necessarily have to be directly at the affected ear or the jaw/neck area to alleviate your symptoms.

For example, go from the shoulder to the forearm. If you discover painful places, stay and get more. Of course you shouldn’t hurt yourself. But most of all, the points we feel intensely and instinctively and are a bit painful, which we should pay particular attention to so that it becomes better. You can do it!

Or apply regularly with the back or with one side of the face to the acupressure mat: This can help you with strong tensions and relax. You can find exercises on ourYouTube channeland reviews of our community can be found in our Facebook group. Here you can talk to others about certain complaints and how Akupressur helped them.


It can never hurt to do something about too much stress. Even if tinnitus is triggered by stress. Here, relaxation techniques such as autogenous training, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga could help you cope with stress and thus achieve successes in reducing earlobes. (Source: Alternativeheil, Chrisoph Jänicke, Jörg Grünwald, p. 388)

2 months ago

Massage to Relieve Ear Ringing (Tinnitus)

In TCM thinking, the ears are the openings of the kidney on the body surface, and they are also important pivot locations for the meridians to communicate with each other. Diminished hearing, tinnitus or deafness means internal disharmony related in to the kidney.

Based on the nature of ear ringing sounds, TCM can identify the specific disharmony inside the body. For example, when the Liver MeridianGall Bladder Meridian or Triple Burner Meridian have fire evils and they have traveled to the head region, there will be heavy ringing in the ears which may even become aggravated by covering the ears; when the Spleen Meridian has dampness evils that blocks the yang-qi flowing upward to the head, there will be mild ear ringing too; sometimes ear ringing appears and gradually fades, or can be partly relieved by covered the ears, this will be due to exhausted kidney essence failing to nourish the ears.

1. Knead the center of the crown of the head (Du20), 30 times.2. Thumb-knead the depressions below the occipital bone (Gb20), at the bottom of the skull, 30 times.3. Knead just in front of the ear (Sj17) and behind the earlobe (Si19), 30 times each. Then rub forcefully around the ears, 30 times.4. Knead heavily on the lateral sides of the lumbar spine, 30 times.5. Nip and knead the middle part of the palm web, between the thumb and the index finger (Li4), 30 times on each hand.6. Knead the depression behind the inner malleolus of the ankle (Ki3), 30 times on each ankle.

This massage enhances the kidney and promotes ear functioning, which helps to alleviate ear ringing, poor hearing and inner ear problems. Furthermore, there are also additional steps for individuals with the following: