Tilidin und Cannabis zusammen?
Hallo Ich habe vorhin in der Notaufnahme tilidin bekommen das auch immernoch wirkt. Ich habe vergessen zu sagen das ich medizinisches cannabis in Form von blüten bekomme und das jeden Tag einnehme am abend.
Jetzt ist es abend und ich müsste es eigentlich einnehmen, kann ich das machen ider könnte das zusammen mit dem tilidin gefährlich werden?
Ansich are not known for serious interactions. But in this case, in principle: clarify with the doctor!!!!
In any case, because here we are not dealing with harmless painkillers but with BTM
Tilidine falls retarded and does not fall below BtMG with Naloxon.
Drugscouts give the following relevant warning for this mixed consumption:
Everyone ruins his body as good as he can. Ask the doctor if this is a good mix. I don’t think so.
What do you mean?
It won’t get dangerous, but it could take you away a little more than usual, that’s all.
Did you do that?
Yeah, it’s much better today. I am full of broadcast 🙂
You’re through heaven. You better go to sleep, maybe you better tomorrow
Language of drug-mogenjunkie
Language of the box
Are you really fast to the troll mutated ^^
You junkie
You son of a bitch
You junkie
No better not. You better wait.
Zi late ixh bin so dense holy sgit
….I believe you:D. That’s why I wanted to prevent it.
You think that’s funny?
War in hospital
In the emergency room, no one will have given you Tillidin. Is something uncommon
Thank you, I thought – all the more because not recorded in stationary…
(see the previous questions)
What do you mean?!
Are you a doctor or what?!?
Your previous questions clearly show that you are Polytox. And I don’t know what patients tilidine is and sent home.
That’s what you think…
I’m not a doctor, but Federal Criminal Officer, having worked in the drug scene for several years, I’m still partly involved in it.
attacking me is useless; On the one hand, I’m not attacking you in any way, on the other hand, I’ve been in the profession for too long, don’t let me provoke.
As you yourself know that you have a problematic relationship with BM and have already asked what you can do here, I can only advise you to discuss this matter with a doctor and/or to contact you with a addiction advice.
Very fast you slipped into a addiction, the way out is unfortunately anything but easy; but whoever really wants it can do it. There are many good support services.
Of course, it is always the final decision of each individual, the way he goes.
Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea to let it go and call again and ask what you’re supposed to do now.
No, no cannabis