TikTok Sucht wegbekommen?
Hey, ist mir ehrlich gesagt ein bisschen peinlich das zu sagen aber ich würde von mir selber behaupten das ich TikTok süchtig bin… immer wenn mir langweilig ist, ist das erste was ist tue, auf diese (scheiß) App zu gehen… wie kann ich davon wegkommen? Bestimmt sagen viel „einfach löschen“ aber das ist halt eine Sucht und ich weis nicht was ich sonst mache und Vorallem meine Lieblings TikTok’s die ich gespeichert habe, kann ich dich nicht einfach löschen 😭😭 help
You can download and delete your stored tiktoks. But if there are too many then make a time restriction (no idea what the word is, but I think you know what I mean) and really hold it. So you can be the first two hours a day, and then you’re going down. I also had Tiktok and I think I developed a search. At some point you could adjust for how long you want to see Tiktok, the day and yes. Then I deleted it sometime.
Thank you, this is such a good idea
Pack the app in an ordner, which ensures that it is no longer automated, but you need to actively search for it.
Then give yourself a timer, only after 5 minutes Tiktok is allowed
but, just delete. can also set you a limit for the first time how long you can use the app on the day. after days / weeks you could continue to rotate the limit until you hardly use the app. seek another, more meaningful distraction or a hobby and then it will be. vg and lg
You could put you an apptimer 🙂
give mutti your handy and go to the playground
write a very long & elaborate password on paper and use this for your account. log out and now you have to enter an annoying password each time to get in there xD