Tiktok kick aus Creator Rewards ohne Grund. Chancen wieder rein zu kommen?
wurde heute aus dem Creator Programm in Tiktok gekickt. Hatte bis gestern gute 1.6k € Profit gemacht und heute wurde ich gekickt. Die lassen sich ja immer gut Zeit mit der Antwort, deshalb hier die Frage, ob es da Chancen gibt das Geld zu bekommen.
Of course, you are entitled to the money provided that you have also registered a business, as it is a commercial receipt and also a registration.
That wasn’t my question… somehow, on good question, I always have the feeling that everyone goes to this business registration.
I have not yet received any money from Tiktok, as they have excluded me from the programme. The question about which it is, how likely it is, that Tiktok will release my account on this request.
And that for a very good reason.
Tax evasion is not a cavalier offence. The tax office can destroy your rest of your life or make you very hard if you owe them money.
A trade registration costs about 35 € (if you are 18 years old). An EÜR 1x a year takes a few minutes, but in the end you are on the safe side. Especially since you need an imprint (maximum 2 clicks away) with a chargeable address.
Because you are a businessman and therefore besides all the things and many more, just a businessman.
Nobody can answer that.
TikTok is very strict and without reason, don’t throw one out.
But to complain about 1600 €, it is usually not worth the process costs and all the other costs that would be incurred, quickly above the turnover you made. And since TikTok is a Chinese company, the action will become difficult.
And yet all this was not part of the topic, but thanks for the contributions. Like I said, I wanted to talk to someone in Tiktok matter and not any laws. I would have found it on the Internet
You will be active as soon as you have a winner’s intention. And that’s exactly what you clearly highlighted here in your post by participating in this Creator program, as well as you have a winner’s intention if you’ve already organized a live stream and get presents.
Stelbst an Amazon wishlist is strictly considered to be a winner’s intention as long as it is publicly accessible to others if it is not only visible to friends and acquaintances.
You have done very clear affiliate marketing through your participation in the mentioned program and thus you have been involved in sales and that is exactly what is a commercial activity within the meaning of the German legal system.
You would even have had a duty to impress. But that’s another issue.
Total bullshit. In what sense do I work commercially? I only have a Tiktok side. Is everyone now self-employed with a Tiktok page, even if you don’t do anything except upload videos?
Of course. In case of doubt, yes.
For the first time I did nothing other than the FA wanted to have an explanation of me for 3 years.
A message is not dependent on sales.
What am I supposed to report????? 0.00€? Yes, I’m sure the tax office will be glad to have reported that
As I said, NIEMAND can answer this, as it is always individual case decisions.
You have to report the sales either.
It seems good not to have registered yet. I don’t get money like that.
I don’t want to complain. The question was how likely it is, in the hope that someone who actually knows about it and already had the similar problem, would answer it to me and not someone who told me that I need to register a trade. I know! It’s not about