Tierklinik Medikamente kaufen?

Kann ich ohne Untersuchung zum Tierarzt und Antibiotikum und entwürmungs Medikamente kaufen weil mein Hund hat Durchfall seit 10 Tagen und wird nicht besser nur brei und wässrig. Ich will nicht mit mein Hund dahin fahren will ihm diesen Stress nicht antun wer weiß wieviele Leute da sind. Und ist der Preis vom Medikament teurer als Unter der Woche?

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8 months ago

the veterinarians are ” responsibly” and that is so desired by the government, is very bad in Germany concerning antibiotics, you get free in the internet, panacur, milbenmax zb

they commit themselves to the danger of getting one on the lid bureaucratic, where their approbation is in danger, therefore, will make the most of the people they know for years

metronidazole is also available only from the veterinarian,

and most media you also get from a normal home doctor, just have to dosing, use with the helpers if these are toxic, but then is more what for advantage user

and no the veterinarian price is not fair, you pay powerfully on it as if you would buy it from the apotheke that actually do not only 100% but much more on it, depending on the medication or tablet

8 months ago

There is no veterinarian who can forget the thoughts very quickly.

You should have been with the vet for a long time. It would be better for the dog if you let him go.

8 months ago


a serious veterinarian does not sell you any medicine without having seen the dog. The emergency fee is 50€. In addition, the investigation plus the advice plus the drugs. So you’ll land somewhere in the three-digit area. You can’t go to the vet only after 10 days.


8 months ago

You don’t get an antibiotic without the dog being examined

What is that? Don’t let your dog suffer any longer. Then go with him to the normal vet tomorrow. If the dog has been diarrhea for two weeks, it doesn’t come to a night.

This argument that the dog is trying to save the stress is probably completely aside. The dog hasn’t been well for weeks and you’re just watching. DAS is stress for the dog.

8 months ago

No veterinarian will just give you suspicion of antibiotics.

Please bring your dog to the vet. You don’t know what the problem is.

8 months ago

Short question before: would you wait 10 days with aqueous diarrhea before you go to the doctor? No? Why does your dog have to wait 10 days?

You’ll just get any medicines at no TA without the dog being examined.

Why do you want antibiotics? Your dog probably has a virus that is not treated with antibiotics, sometimes apart from the fact that antibiotics would burden the intestine even more (especially those in tablet form) worm cure also falls flat until it is clear why the dog has diarrhea.

The dog has been losing fluid for 10 days, if you wait for 3-4 days, the dog is so weak that you can easily get it to the TA. See that the dog MORGEN comes to the TA, he has no stress, he must be helped. Everything else is animal cruelty and I would show something like that

8 months ago
Reply to  Ebike613

Grey chair points to liver damage. You don’t need an antibiotic, but you need a blood count to find out what the cause is

8 months ago
Reply to  Ebike613

Go to the TA and leave the search and treat it properly

8 months ago

What an antibiotic did you get? I don’t think a veterinarian just writes an antibiotic without having an idea of why.

8 months ago

I’d go to the vet with the dog. You’ve been looking at how the poor animal has diarrhea for 10 days. That you’re gonna pay an emergency fee is your own fault, you could have run earlier.

You don’t get such medicines from any serious TA without having to introduce him to the dog.

8 months ago

Your dog has been diarrhea for 10 days and you don’t want to take him to the vet? Seriously?

That’s the last!

8 months ago
Reply to  Ebike613

You already had 10 days!

I love such people…