Macht ihr Pizza, Kartoffelpuffer,Kroketten, Pommes und Herzoginenkartoffel selbst oder greift ihr eher in die Tiefkühltruhe im Supermarkt.
Ich versuche das meiste selbst zu machen, auch wenn es Zeitaufwand bedeutet.
Wie sieht das bei euch so aus.
Could be a thing of age. If the housewife no longer has a great desire to cook, and the husband is a minimalist eater, one increasingly takes – with bad conscience, of course – to frozen food.
There is something from friends who like to do this
You have a deep insight
Thanks for the star, Ralf.
You’re welcome
I know
We eat pizza at the Italian.
Potato buffer I eat in one of our favorite locals.
Pommes we eat only in our favorite locals.
We don’t eat duchess potatoes.
And I don’t have any work with it.
It’s easy
For pizza, I usually take finished pastry from the cooler. But sometimes there is a ready pizza from the freezer.
I make rubbing cake myself, fresh potatoes. I even purchased an appropriate kitchen machine for this, so that I no longer have to rub the potatoes by hand.
Pommes I take deep-cooled and make them in the oven. Cutting fresh and fritting twice is with too much work and I also find it stupid to dispose of old fat.
We don’t have croquettes and duchess potatoes. I’m not a fan of it.
Potato products from the oven tastefully guz. It’s not healthy, but if I wanted to eat something healthy, I wouldn’t make fries myself, but something simpler, e.g. oven potatoes or ka-brei
I rarely make Pommes myself, but don’t buy them. If there’s the ones usually eating out. Also Duke inside potatoes and croquettes .
I regularly make everything else from potatoes and I wouldn’t buy it.
We are trying to make more and more of our own in the course of time. It’s usually not that hard. The only thing you need is a good kitchen machine with the right inserts. There’s a lot to go. (we have a Bosch MUM4 with lots of accessories for a long time). Then it won’t take so long.
Last addition was a Pommes disc. No more TK-Pommes.
I’m trying to avoid frozen goods where it’s just going. We make as far as possible everything that you mentioned without exception.
Most of it.
Pizza, Potato Buffer, Pommes made themselves. Croquets only once in the restaurant – no idea how to prepare them. I don’t know duke-seeds.
times like that, depending on time and mood
I do everything myself in principle. I don’t have anything, nothing at all about “final food” on stock. I also cook daily. There’s calf liver and salad.
Delicious onions, right?
Sage and garlic
Thanks – it has:-))
Shame, but also good hope it has tasted
Nee, bad luck. All 🙂
Very good I can come by
calf liver, cut into thin slices, garlic cloves, finely chopped, fresh sage leaves, butter and olive oil, salt and pepper to taste
Sounds good
Make myself, just tastes better.
Apart from pommes, I do everything myself.
Pizza and Potato Buffer I make myself, Pommes, Croquets and Duchess Potatoes I eat only Exhaust.
Eat hold a lot of skyr,leave flakes etc.
Pizza from the Italian,Noodle rice potatoes themselves
I will!