Tiefgefrorene Obst und Gemüse erhitzen?
Ich habe gehört das man tiefgekühlte Beeren auf über 90 Grad erhitzen sollte um mögliche Keime abzutöten stimmt das? Und habe auch gehört wenn man es über 90 Grad erhitzt das dann die Vitamine verloren gehen?
Ich habe gehört das man tiefgekühlte Beeren auf über 90 Grad erhitzen sollte um mögliche Keime abzutöten stimmt das? Und habe auch gehört wenn man es über 90 Grad erhitzt das dann die Vitamine verloren gehen?
🫔 also so siehts aus und fängt mit t an da ist halt soße huhn undso (kein hass ich meins ernst)
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2 vollkorntoast mit marmelade und magarine marmelade 20 gramm pro toast magarine 10 gramm walnüsse 30 gramm ein Apfel Fisch mit Kartoffeln ein Teller Naturjogurt 150 gramm ein Apfel nimm2 bonbon 2 Scheiben vollkorntoast mit Magarine 10 gramm pro Scheibe 2 Scheiben Käse ein merci riegel klein bewegung heute Flur gewischt mein Zimmer und die…
They are quickly frozen after harvesting, provided that the cooling chain has not been interrupted, they are therefore less loaded than loose fruit. Cooking them is completely unnecessary, you only taste and consistency.
Edit: What you mean is harvest regardless of whether the product is frozen, when certain viruses were present in the fertilizer. But I’m gonna keep all the fruits boiled for exaggerated.
Ok because I have read what the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment recommends to heat frozen berries to over 90 degrees before consumption to kill possible germs.
You can. I just read that the RKI they as a carrier for Hep-A suspected or does not exclude when the controls are not complied with in the country of origin; norroviruses can rarely be involved. The BfR reacted with a recommendation on consumer protection.
Yeah, if you want to go absolutely to number safe, you can screw up on a small chance of eating. I don’t know how you live like this, but I get much more relevant risks for burdens in my everyday life, because this is a too low factor to consider it at all. If you buy Frozen yogurt or food, the store will not cook its goods first. Considering how much value you put in there.
Since 95% of the frozen fruit and 90% of the frozen vegetables come from China, it should be cooked. But unfortunately the unhealthy pesticides ( banned in the EU) did not go away.
Fresh fruit also has germs, even millions of germs. You eat that too. That’s not a problem. I don’t know if there’s more germ in frozen fruit.
When it is heated, vitamins are lost. But not all vitamins are lost. Potatoes, vegetables, meat are also cooked or fried, but there are vitamins in there.
Yes, vitamins can be lost. But why do you heat up if you don’t want to keep the fruits? Eat the fruit fresh.