ticket kaufen nach dem schwarz fahren?
Kann man wenn man beim schwarz fahren erwischt wurde einfach dem kontrolleur die 60€ geben und gut ist?
Kann man wenn man beim schwarz fahren erwischt wurde einfach dem kontrolleur die 60€ geben und gut ist?
Ich möchte mit Zug von Österreich nach Schweiz fahren. Es gibt Tickets mit 1x umsteigen, wo ich ca. 8-9 Minuten Zeit habe für umsteigen. Ich habe keine Erfahrung mit Bahnreisen. Sind diese Umsteigzeiten nicht zu kurz oder ist der Anschlusszug gleich beim selben Steig?
Hallo liebes Team, meine Frage dreht sich darum das unsere Nachbarn sehr großflächig rote Mohn Pflanzen angelegt haben und durch das streuen und verteilen dieser die umliegenden Weideflächen(für Kühe und zum Heu ernten) kontaminiert werden da dieser Mohn hoch toxisch für alle Weidetiere ist. Nun genauer wie kann ich rechtlich eine Unterbindung erwirken da Weideflächen…
Würde mich über eine Antwort freuen. Liebe Grüße.
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Moin, ich war gestern mit 3 Freundinnen unterwegs 1 war bei mir im Auto und 2 in dem anderen Auto hinter uns, meiner Beifahrerin ging es gestern nicht gut also sie war kurz vorm brechen also bin ich langsamer als erlaubt gefahren also anstatt 70 km/h so 50kmh und dann in der 50ziger Zone 40…
You must distinguish between the contractual penalty that is due to the transport company and the criminal law side.
Driving without a valid ticket can happen every time. In the normal case you pay the double fare, at least 60,- and good.
These 60€ are a mere contractual penalty.
Now, however, a criminal offence can also be considered, aggravation of services or fraud, and then an ad is already justified in the first act.
For a criminal offence, however, there must be an intent, since in most cases this is not proveable, the transport companies waive an ad at the first and second time. (work costs).
If, however, there are signs of an intent during the first black driving (hidden, shortened ticket, wrong details …), the VU will already report during the first act.
It is only then that a penalty wg of carriage is negotiated (§265a StGB).
The AG will then, however, check the intention – or will it be simply implied? Since the proof is quite difficult (“I accidentally bought the wrong ticket”), such processes would have to run into the void for the most part, or do I see it wrong?
There are enough idiots who pretend that the situation is clear. Example: Non-transferable ticket from the friend, changes to the ticket, etc…
“I accidentally bought the wrong ticket” you don’t think about the 3rd time.
Perhaps – but this can certainly want the personalities, because the 60 € are only the civilian part of the increased transport fee, the criminal part (acquisition of services) is not processed by the controller.
There are no further costs, so the €60 is the only thing a black driver has to pay.
Wrong. Thus, the civil law part is done, criminal law can impose another penalty – fine or imprisonment.
Well, yes… IMHO always depends on how much stress the controller is. The inspectors (especially when using subs) are under the pressure to write down a certain number of black drivers each day. A controller is happy when he has the 60 tucks and can continue.
Do some inspectors on good days in exceptional cases. Don’t leave. It is known what makes a power position of people.
These are not exceptions but regulated by law You can also pay any fine directly to the police in Germany if you are stopped by the police.
But the comparison goes down.
I have experienced it many times that this was allowed when people admitted not to have a ticket and asked if they can buy it quickly without penalty.
Only if he lets himself in.
The MUST get involved!
No human being has to.
Mostly, yes. You’re gonna quit.
Yes, it depends on the controller
“Ablasshandel” was in the Middle Ages..But when he admits to it…may it work.
It always works. This is governed by the Transport Act.
That’s a smarr.
If the controller has other requirements- …, the journey regulates the increased resolving but also the additional display due to black driving.
Do not blossom from your base.
But I have an idea, unlike some others here.
I’m glad you don’t know.
You don’t even understand the text you copy from the internet. I’m laughing
These are the €60, which can be paid immediately to the controller. You have to be a notorious black driver before there is a charge. But you don’t seem to have got too much of life. You have to learn a lot!
…only to DEINER KENNTNIS..If I get it now..
There is not only one possibility…
What crime is black driving?
The legislator evaluates driving without a valid ticket in accordance with § 265a StGB as a result of services. For thisCrimemay threaten a fine or imprisonment of up to one year.
When is the threat of black driving jail?
In most cases, for black drivingPenaltieshung. However, those who cannot afford the ticket are generally unable to pay the fine. The legislator then provides for a compensation penalty.
You can’t get anything? With the 60 € is the ERLEDIGT! Each other paperwork, display, tralala is NOT MORE paid for the black driver.
The deeds of a deliberate black journey still exist – and this is fraud.
He can still pay directly because no further costs can be paid to him!
Sure, ask if you can buy a 10 card from him!!
Sure, you can! You’ll get a receipt.
very funny
It’s not funny. Because the receipt is your ticket. The penalty is an increased transport fee.
Why funny? This is reality.
and later a punishment from the court.