THW und FFW wie geht es weiter mit dem Beruf?

Hi Leute ich gehe zum THW ( Technischen Hilfswerk ) und zur FFW ( Freiwillige Feuerwehr ) das ist alles ehrenamtlich ich habe aber Probleme mit der Berufs Suche kann mir da jemand was empfehlen es muss aber in der nähe von Dinkelsbühl 91550 sein

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2 months ago

What’s that got to do with your job?

I think you should choose an organization with such a hobby. How is that supposed to be used?

It has nothing to do with a call when you do it volunteer. at the job you should say that you are a member. But not every job leaves it to that you always have time to go into action. sometimes only after evening or weekend. Even though employers have an understanding of the Voluntary Office. Occupation goes on.

2 months ago

What exactly is your question or Your problem?

  • Are you looking for a job at the fire department or the THW?
  • Or are you looking for a professional activity that can be agreed with your honorary offices at the fire department and the THW?
  • Or is your volunteer commitment a problem for potential employers?
2 months ago

Hello dani243343334,

Both at THW and at the fire brigade, there are a variety of ways to get involved.

To support the work and workability of these two areas, you could extend from the Voluntary Office into a professional commitment. Since you seem to have set foot in both divisions, theoretically everything is to expand one of them. Free after the “shoes stay with your bars” and “If you have a profession you love, you don’t need to work a day in your life.”

How does that sound for you?