THW Gürtel (Koppel)?
Guten Morgen,
was für eine Zubehör / Equipment sollten THW Helfer an ihrem Gürtel (Koppel) tragen?
Grüße 👋
Guten Morgen,
was für eine Zubehör / Equipment sollten THW Helfer an ihrem Gürtel (Koppel) tragen?
Grüße 👋
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Moin, ich wollte April mit paar Kumpels zum Heide Park fahren. Ist April der Heide Park voll oder sind da eher wenige da es noch “Kälter” ist?
Flashlight and at least gloves with emergency tools or things that are regularly used.
What flashlight can you recommend?
Nitcore MT2A I would recommend.
It is a flashlight that requires 2 AA batteries.
You get the batteries worldwide.
The lamp is a little tricky to get to the lighting modes (High-Mid-Low-SOS-Strobe).
In order to get into this mode, the lamp head has to be released a quarter revolution.
If you don’t, you’re permanent in turbo mode and wonder that the lighting mode doesn’t go.
There is also a very good and stable holster for the lamp.
The more the better the more you have, the more important you are… 😉
So actually there are no more couplings on the pants of the lining. A simplest leather or plastic belt. At the beginning of the millennium, however, new couplings were obtained and the one or the other carries an old one. Some people like that the pants are better and that you can do equipment. Others wear a double belt like the police.
It is not actually intended to carry out massig equipment. But some things are quite sensible depending on the task.
However, it is also quatsch to have a whole “tool box” with…
Some have a flashlight (which can also be done on the helmet) on the belt, a multitool, a glove age/carabiner, … these are the things you could use like that.
Some but also a mini first aid kit. A multi-function bag from the rescue service or military area where even more toys fit in,… 😉 etc.
However, it should be noted that, depending on the activity, things can also be a hindrance. Working as a breathing device carrier or with crash protection, you can’t have anything on the belt.
If THW is the same as for firefighters and rescue services, then as little as possible.
Because the amount of material on the belt is just an indicator of how large the hot nozzle factor is.