Thunderbolt Protokoll?
Wie sieht das Thunderbolt übertragungsprotokoll aus? In wiefern unterscheidet es sich von USB?
Wie sieht das Thunderbolt übertragungsprotokoll aus? In wiefern unterscheidet es sich von USB?
Ich suche eine Powerbank die ich unter meinen Wohnzimmertisch montieren kann, um somit mein Laptop über mehrere Tage bei Volllast mit Strom versorgen zu können. Gibt es so etwas überhaupt?
Hi, all the time this location symbol appears next to the time Normally it is like this: I share my location with about 12 people on Snapchat and 4 on "Where is?" So my question is, every time the icon pops up, does someone actually check my location, or is that the phone doing it?…
ASUS TUF Gaming VG27AQML1A – 27 inch WQHD monitor – 260 Hz The monitor only has an HDMI 2.0 connection. Will that prevent me from getting 240 fps with my gaming PC? (ps my gaming pc can do that with the built-in stuff) I'm talking about the monitor here
Can I send text messages on my Samsung tablet using the same number as the one on my iPhone? If so, how?
etc… 😉
By the way, is also a great topic when you can deal with lexics like wikipedia. 😉
You don’t have to copy everything from here. 🤷
I was actually looking for a deeper explanation. Why I didn’t find anything to google.
You mean log details?
If I have not yet been required in detail, but I am now curious 😉
At least for interesting, perhaps for you too. Unfortunately, don’t have a “direct wire” to intel. Let’s see, maybe there’s something else in my mind.