Thomann, wie lange?


habe mir vor 2 Wochen ein Klavier gekauft, habe jedoch schon knapp 3 Wochen gewartet. Heute habe ich nun angerufen und die Mitarbeiter sagten mir dass Sie selber nicht wissen, wann es ankommt.
Hattet jemand von euch mal bei Thomann bestellt? Und wenn ja wie lange hat’s gedauert?

Vielen Dank im Voraus

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11 months ago

This can take a long time, and they often have no influence on it. I don’t think sooo long for three weeks.

We had ordered a PA facility there from our club. We waited 7 weeks, then the mixer was there, a part of the boxes came a week later, for the Stagebox we waited 11 weeks.

11 months ago

The piano doesn’t come with DHL. This will certainly bring a specialist suspension specializing in this and also the necessary equipment.

But they don’t go with every piano extra but when they have a tour in your direction.

That’s a different thing than “1 pallet free curb edge”

11 months ago

Phenomena. You’ve been waiting for about 3 weeks, even though you’ve only ordered two weeks ago.

I bought headphones at thomann, they were there after 3 days.