Thermomix TM5 gebraucht kaufen ja/nein und worauf soll ich achten?

Sollte ich mir den Thermomix TM5 gebraucht kaufen, und kann ich damit trotzdem alle Rezepte auf Cookidoo nutzen, oder gibt es Einschränkungen im Vergleich zu neueren Modellen?

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7 months ago

I have the TM6 and my knowledge are the same with the TM5 only that the TM6 naturally has more capacity and also a larger display. Higher degree is possible and other functions like zb anbraten

The biggest difference as everyone says, however, is Cookidoo because it is directly integrated in the TM6 without key and also with WLAN and you can also use the scale while Cookidoo is still able to use or other things that are not possible at the TM5 and the “most serious” it has no guided cooking and you cannot use all recipes

If you want to use it or not, you cannot answer

6 months ago
Reply to  Therapeutic

The TM6 has no greater capacity. If you need more and many more benefits, you should definitely look at the Bosch Cookit, which also became a test winner:

7 months ago

There’s only one newer model. I am very pleased with the TM 5, the new features like e.g. “Anbraten” I don’t miss. Not all recipes can be started using the Cookidoo app, as the TM 6 recipes sometimes use a new function. I’ll just add these recipes manually.