Therian tail von Amazon?
Hallo ich würde mir gerne einen therian tail auf Amazon bestellen, aber möchte keinen echten oder einen aus China. Kennt ihr einen? (Bin red fox Eichhörnchen und Calico Katzen therian also wenn möglich was in diese Richtung)
Danke für eure Hilfe
Hi, most of them have been said here. I just wanted to warn you again, with many Tails standing in the description they are not made of real fur, but they are sometimes so you should pay attention to the fur structure. If a tail is NOT made of real fur, you see that. The real one usually recognizes on this clip on the structure and that the pictures usually have a white background.
If you’re not sure you can send me a link I can usually distinguish it very well.
So what is important is that you always read the description of the tail and also look into the reviews. But if you want a better or high quality tail, I recommend you look at Etsy, or other pages where people sell handmade products.
Who you now have a tail of Amazon and you are not sure if he is real or wrong, you can first smell on him and see if he wants to animal and look for the leather. In the case of wrong tail, you can also find which are stuffed with cotton and usually have a “short”. Genuine tails are usually with a pendant, on Amazon it is actually always a golden pendant when you see it then it is 99 percent real fur, and there I would leave the fingers away ^^
Look in the description of where this tail comes
Often, they are made from China from artificial fur, as Chinese are really good at making up
The description should also state that the product consists of artificial fur
Once your tail has arrived you can easily test with a lighter on a few individual hairs whether they behave like melting plastic or otherwise
Have fun with it:) if you are still insecure you can buy wool and a Zupf animal brush and make a Tail kach choice yourself
Thank you.