Therapeutin hatte Tränen in den Augen?
als ich meiner Therapeutin erzählt habe das meine Schwester vorletzte Nacht gestorben ist ,hat sie Tränen in die Augen bekommen und war schon emotional. Sie hat mitbekommen wie sehr ich mich auf das Kind gefreut habe.
Ist das okay? Oder gilt das als Unprofessionel?
For whom? And who cares? It’s just a verdict, a label.
Do you want a “professional” therapist or a competent therapist to help you solve your problems? Do you want someone human or a robot?
All these are questions you can ask, then you will find the answer.
I work as a coach to a high degree “unprofessional”. I don’t stick to “recognized rules” and do things you don’t do. I’m not a “professional distance”, have no cemented structure, etc.
With me, the well-being and the aim of the clients is at the top, not any ideas about how to behave.
Showing emotions is also part of my “unprofessional behaviour” 😉
Therapists are also people with feelings. It’s perfectly okay that a therapist gets tears in her eyes and gets a little more emotional.
Your sister was unborn?
At first glance it may be unprofessional that the therapist weeps, but it is also just a person.
Who knows if she didn’t have a similar experience and that she feels reminded by your story.
This may be ‘unprofessional’, but first and foremost it is human. Even the best therapists cannot turn off their humanity 100%. So it’s nothing bad and doesn’t say anything about their general professionalism and skills.
*from the view of some
Allowing feelings is totally Oki. We’re just people.
From me my greatest condolences 🙏🖤 and a lot of strength
Thank you
Of course it’s okay. She’s just a human being. All people have emotions. Therapists too. This is not unprofessional.
My sincere condolences. 😔