Theorieprüfung B wie oft kommen die Faustformeln dran?

Hallo, ich habe heute meine Theorieprüfung der Klasse B, ich bin ziemlich aufgeregt weil ich an einer Matheschwäche leide und ich die einfachsten Rechnungen nicht im Kopf rechnen kann.

Weiß jemand wie oft die Faustformeln in der Theorieprüfung dran kommen?

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2 years ago

How to answer this question?

no one knows

2 years ago


2 years ago

Between 0 and 30 pieces.

Can’t be said on a flat-rate basis, as there are just random questions from the question catalogue. Random – some or even none of them can come.

2 years ago

but you may also have 10 error points (only no two questions with 5 points wrong) so if you can’t do anything just the formulas, should it go 😊

2 years ago

So if I remember my exam, then there was no “invoice” at all.

There were so simple questions with me that after 5 minutes I was almost through and wondered if it was all:D