Theorieprüfung Auto?
Ich habe bald meine Theorieprüfung und bin etwas aufgeregt. Bin meiner Meinung nach relativ gut vorbereitet, aber nur aus Interesse, wie war die Prüfung für euch und wie viele Fehlerpunkte hattet ihr?
Nachdem man in der Prüfung alle Fragen beantwortet hat, wird das Ergebnis direkt auf dem Computer angezeigt oder bekommt man es von einer Person mitgeteilt?
Don’t need to be excited, honestly zero. The user interface is even one to the same and the questions are exactly the same. I went through the whole app and left it after 7 minutes, clicked through everything quickly and passed with 0 error points.
When I made my driving licences, the questionnaires had to be filled with the ballpoint pen and the examiner corrected them with a red ballpoint pen.
Even though a lot has changed since then, one has remained: who is well prepared really does not need to worry and is testing as I did many years ago with zero flaws.
Good luck to all of you.
I had 100% double right at the app, pre-checking in the driving school 0 error points and then 3 error points (1 question wrong). The result was communicated to me directly after delivery by the woman at the reception.
My tip: don’t need the questions so ultra long. With me the 3 points of error only came because I looked at the question again later and thought too long. If you don’t know immediately, you should still mark and answer later. Good luck.
0 points of error was easy.
You can see the result on a tablet
Was easy, every time passed directly, even without computer.