Theorie Prüfung nicht bestanden demotiviert?

Guten Morgen 🙂

und zwar habe ich gestern meine Theorie Prüfung für den Führerschein gehabt und habe MIT GANZEN 17 FEHLERPUNKTEN NICHT bestanden . Es ist aber nicht so das ich nicht gelernt hab sondern Tag und Nacht wirklich . Ich habe die App 360° und bin dort überall auf 100% . Ich habe unendliche Prüfungssimulationen gemacht und immer mit 0 Fehlerpunkten bestanden zudem hab ich alle 3 Vorprüfungen mit 0 Fehlerpunkten bestanden . Meine Fahrlehrerin war auch komplett überrascht . Ich hab natürlich direkt mein nächsten Termin in 2 Wochen bekommen doch ich bin einfach so demotiviert weil ich es mir nicht erklären kann und ich habe nichtmal im geringsten das Gefühl das ich bestehen könnte . Was mach ich jetzt ?? Danke im Voraus

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2 years ago

Relax. I fell through with 14 flaws and I also learned very well. At the 2nd start it worked out so you will also go:)

2 years ago
Reply to  Sarah3324

For me, the question sounds as if you had answered everything and then went through it again, where you found “error” (:

I did the first time and I fell through it 😀

So next time just answer all the questions and then they are. Don’t read it again and see if everything is true because if you have learned everything, everything is true and you can only make it worse ._.

2 years ago

Sounds like a massive nervousness. Make one thing clear: only you expect something from you. No one will like you less or hate you if it doesn’t work. You don’t have to cut off perfectly. It’s enough. There are so many bad drivers that the test really doesn’t say anything about your skills. You can do that better than most 🤗. And that’s more than enough.

2 years ago

Maybe you were just too nervous?

And/or you have had extreme bad luck

2 years ago

Examination arches practice and remember what you need to cross on what question. 30 years ago it was so that you were not allowed to think in answering the questions, because you were usually wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sarah3324

Despite the videos: You can (and must) learn this by heart anyway.There is a catalogue and the questions come from it.

2 years ago

Slip out for nervousness. Now you know how it goes. Next time you can do it.