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latricolore, UserMod Light

Am I wrong or was your German ever better?

Yes, as far as I know, there is still much to do there – and not just theoretically.

latricolore, UserMod Light

First of all: Thanks for the star! 😊

And now on your questions:
1) “soon” means “early” here. I have read other questions from you, and there was/is your German better than in this question. That surprised me – and continues to surprise me.
2) No, I didn’t get angry – sorry you won that impression! I just wanted to say that there is still much to do with the hands. So further excavations.

latricolore, UserMod Light

Depends on who judges it. And also how long you’ve been learning German. You definitely understand what you mean.

For safety, you could make simpler sentences ☺️

latricolore, UserMod Light

Look – so it is correct:

Theoretical stay [it) still a lot of things to dig out in the ancient city of Pompei[S].
This is a statement. For example, as a question:
Are there still a lot of things to dig out in the ancient city of Pompei?

Or have we seen everything? Come on what? it to see?


I would, however, rather ask:
Is there still a lot to dig up in Pompei?
Can you still dig a lot in Pompei?