Themen Verbot in der Psychiatrie verständlich?
Ich bin in der Kjp. Ich hatte eine Woche das Ziel, dass ich nicht über Marvel reden darf. Ich bin ein großer Marvel Fan und rede da halt richtig gerne drüber. Mir würde dann gesagt, dass ich da viel zu viel drüber rede. Man könnte nicht mehr einschätzen, ob ich die Realität und Fiktion noch auseinander halten könne. Außerdem sei es sozial unangemessen, weil es die meisten anderen in meinem Alter nicht interessiert.
Alle anderen dürfen btw permanent über Tiktok reden, was auch nicht die Realität ist und die Wahrnehmung dadurch viel krasser verändert wird usw. Aber das interessiert ja wenigstens alle.
Findet ihr es richtig, dass einem verboten wird über ein Thema zu sprechen?
On the one hand, it’s about whether you can also deal with other things. Your life is not just about Marvel. On the other hand, they also want to know clearly whether you can distinguish fiction from reality.
In addition, it burdens fellow human beings when speaking about such a topic inappropriately much or in inappropriate situations. This creates conflicts.
Nobody wants to take away your passion. It’s all about learning how much and when the subject is appropriate in the long term.
They know that I can keep fiction and reality apart.
I also have other interests and are also encouraged by topics. When the other 24/7 talk about Tiktok, nobody says anything!
Apparently they don’t know it so well, otherwise they wouldn’t ask you to prove it to them.
Since we don’t know you, nobody can guess how much you talk about Marvel or when. But for some reason, the clinic team finds that you should talk less about it. They’ll have their reasons.
No one asks evidence.
They told me the reasons. They’re in the question.
No such thing is stupid. I mean, they’re forbiding you to be as you really are, so you don’t get the feeling right. Above all, the ban on young people irritate and do not repel. I find it sad that you are trying to take your passion.
If I were you, I would talk like that, maybe they’ll let you go and you’ll have your rest. Maybe it would also be an alternative to looking for a better psychiatry.
I ignored it and endured the consequences.
Yes Main thing you stay authentic.
You want to see if you can keep reality and fiction apart – this is their job.
If you’re all full of a theme she doesn’t care about, it seems rude. Therefore, to improve your social competence and to protect the nerves of others, makes sense.
It’s only limited and you can keep busy.
Of course I can. They also know exactly that (can be seen from the wording of their explanation).
I’m not going full. In addition, I am very often encouraged with some stupid topics.
What did they say you could recognize that?
According to your own words, you’re annoying the others…
Is the question whether they are talking to each other and to a reasonable extent or whether they are talking to you specifically about things that do not interest you and that 24/7.
If the latter were the case (where it does not sound), the same ban would be useful for them. But it’s about YOU. Whether the others improve their social competence has little influence on DEINE’s health.
I don’t impose my interest on anyone.
Your lack of trouble is what is critical. Your interests are all right to talk about it. It’s not okay to force others to take their interests and blame others.
I didn’t know that I was hired because of my interests or that it would solve my problems when I stopped talking about my interests.
Okay, your problem is clear. If you’re not willing to work on you or show only insight, you should leave the KJP, because so you’re wasting all the time. Just like ours.
Absolutely unimportant. It’s like I say. It doesn’t have to be discussed.
Yeah, and the others bother me. I’m the only one that’s forbidden.
My social competence will certainly not be better if you forbid a week to talk about a topic that interests me.
I don’t think it’s a specific issue, but it’s about talking about a subject.
Socially, it seems that you should talk about things that (also) interest neurotypical.
Here the neurodivergent characteristic – like to get in detail about a particular interest – is to be communicated in detail, probably not liked to see.
But of course it’s about marvel that the others talk about Tiktok almost 24/7, doesn’t matter.
Sometimes it’s good to be annoyed by the majority and to impose one of his subjects too massive. Talking a little about it is, of course, okey but it must be extremely with you if you even get a ban. Why don’t you talk to the staff again?
This is not extremely the others are talking about the same.
The employees find it right. I’ve been talking about it for a long time. I also know why the target was set. I found and find it single meaning-free
Yes I think it’s understandable. If no one wants to hear it, leave it. People have enough to do with themselves. We don’t know why you landed there, but it’s supposed to be a way to better, so it’s important to get to know borders.
There are limits in society that should not be exceeded
But I have to stop when others bother me with their jelly?
No need
I often tell them I don’t care. I would also be very happy if I had my rest, but I didn’t have them in the lap.
This isn’t the only way to escape someone’s talk. The socially recognized species would be to inform the other, for example, that the thema does not care to change the topic to something where everyone can talk about withdrawing from the Sitatuion in which one leaves the happening.
I assume you got the ban because others couldn’t escape you when you talked.
They weren’t even banned
Sounds like you’re less interested in the answers here than being in your right to be different (unpopular, annoying, outsider… or “special”). If that’s the real question – let me do things that others don’t care about and that seem strange to the outside or unsympathetic: the answer is: Then do not complain about the others, but answer consequences yourself if you limit yourself.
Don’t understand.
It’s not about the others. It is about you and the ban has been stated as a goal in the justification I find it reasonable. It’s not there to punish you, it’s supposed to bring you a success and lead you to new insights.
You should give it a chance. You can talk about Marvel next week. 😉
Of course it’s about the others.
I’ve been talking about it again. I deliberately did not reach the target.
Because of the others, you’re not the KJP.
Where did I say that?
I was not allowed to talk about marvel because they were annoyed or because others were not interested.
Apart from that, I’m mainly there for others. I have a problem with me the least. I would have been right, too, but my environment was annoyed.
If you’ve got this as a task they want to know if you’re consciously in a position not to talk about it.
See it not as a ban but as a challenge.
It’s a ban. I ignored it and endured the consequences. I won’t let my mouth shut
Means in plain text: You are going to the other with Marvel on the sack. They don’t want to hear that!
You don’t need to translate that.
The others are annoying me with their talk about tiktok and so. I don’t care. They can talk about it.
Do you have autism?
No, but I don’t keep crying for any shit…
And why are you in the psychiatry?
Because you’re so normal?
I have no problem with social contacts. I have a problem with the young people in the lap. They’re all just annoying.
Because your behavior is typical of autists: special interest and problems in social contact.
Maybe. Why is that relevant?