Theater club, what's it like?
I'm currently considering joining a club. We have a local theater that you can always join. I went to a performance on Saturday and was simply fascinated. I love putting myself in other people's roles anyway. But you can also go in any direction there, with photography, poster design, directing, and so on.
Is anyone in a club like that and could tell us roughly what it's like, what they do there and whether all ages are represented or is it more older or younger?
Thanks in advance, I'll find out more about it locally on Friday, but I'm grateful for any answer now.
There are many, very different theatre groups and theatre associations. From the pure funding association to venues supported by an association to theatre groups organized as a club. I understand your words that you are about the latter. You count on what you can do, so you know a lot. Your further questions can only be answered by the local people, because every club is different.
Or just try it out: Become a member, as far as you enjoy it. And if it doesn’t fit, you can quit again or just financially support the work as a passive member. Have fun!