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1 year ago

I’m glad you went to The Weeknd concert. This will surely be a great experience!😍 I want to. It depends on various factors, such as the organizer, the location and time of the concert You can also try to turn to Deutsche Bank Park.

Generally speaking, if you are a minor under 18 years of age, you are allowed to go to a concert only until 22:00 without a guardian. If the concert lasts longer, you need a written permission from your parents and a full-year companion who takes over the supervision. This companion can also be your aunt if your parents agree.

You should definitely take your student ID and a copy of your mother’s ID. In addition, you should have a so-called mutt, on which your parents confirm that they allow you to go to the concert and that they name your aunt as a supervisor. Here you will find a pattern for a mule:

I hope I could help you and you have a lot of fun at the concert. It’s stupid it must be so late. Maybe you can tell us how it was. 🥰

1 year ago

Yes, that should be enough. But probably no one will ask you for it and you will not need it in the end. But sure is safe

1 year ago

Be there today

1 year ago
Reply to  marieztzzt

I also wish you a lot of fun!!!!!

1 year ago

Sitting and you?