The big bang theory auf Netflix abgesetzt?
Hey Meine lieben, also ich habe eben auf Netflix nach der Serie geschaut, aber nichts gefunden. Dementsprechend habe ich auf Google nachgeschaut, ob die Serie abgesetzt wurde, aber icb finde nichts… Also wenn mir jemand vielleicht etwas Klarheit verschaffen könnte, wäre ich sehr dankbar
Schonmal einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 🙂
If you set the language in the profile management in English, you can find it again and at least look at it in the O-Ton. Looks like only the German synchronous version is no longer available.
Thank you Very you are a treasure
I started the series again and was surprised why it is no longer available.
In fact, TBBT does not seem to be available at Netflix and is also out of Amazon. Very bad.
Thank you. But in some cases it seems to be there. Somehow weird.. I hope this is just a mistake or something
I love the series she’d looked through forty times and would be too happy to say that but with me there’s still the series
WarnerMedia has secured the rights to “The Big Bang Theory”.
Between Warner, Netflix and Amazon, there was apparently no deal about license and usage rights.
The article I link is from 2020; but this is seemingly more current than ever.