THC während Polizei Kontrolle Positiv?
Hallo Leute,
ich würde gerne wissen wie lange die MPU dauert und wann man seinen Führerschein zurück bekommt.
der thc Test der gemacht wurde mit der Polizei war positiv.
wann kriegt man seinen Führerschein zurück ?
It would be beneficial if you were to describe the exact process so far.
When did you last consume before control, how often and how much do you consume, a blood sample was taken, how was the result, there was a criminal procedure, a driving ban was imposed or the driving licence was withdrawn etc….
Last before check 20 min before.
consumed: Every day
it was made a blood collection
the result is not yet there.
thank you
So your lab values will be very high.
The result is about 1 to 2 weeks after blood collection. You can call the guard and ask.
If your driver’s license has been temporarily checked, you can pick it up after 24h, sober.
The right question is more: what happens now?
First, the fine is reported: fine 500€, fees and expenses 28, 50, laboratory costs total about 650-700€. There are 2 points in the FAER and 1 month driving ban.
The further course depends on the result and the assessment of the driver’s position.
Option 1: You are subject to regular consumption.
This makes you unsuitable to run a motor vehicle.
Your driving licence is withdrawn, your driving licence is drawn in and destroyed.
Option 2: You will be subject to “only” occasional consumption.
This is not enough for the immediate withdrawal of the driving licence, but you are asked for an MPU.
A prerequisite for a positive MPU is at least 6 months of proven abstinence. However, you can’t teach them in time (once you need at least 1 month for your consumption pattern before the first test is negative).
The withdrawal of the driving licence is the result here, just a few months later.
The next question for you is: What do you want?
You can either continue to consume or get your driving license back.
Both aren’t together! Not only because abstinence has to be detected for the MPU, but because you have already booked the drug test for the next 10 years at every traffic control.
So if you want to get your driving license back, you should stop consumption immediately, take part in a abstinence program with regular tests and work up your consumption thoroughly.
Only in this way you have a chance to have a positive MPU after 6 to 12 months of proven abstinence.
Any questions?
You still have it, I suppose…
Most likely you were forbidden to run a vehicle for 24 or 48 hours.
First you have to wait for your blood values, this usually takes a few weeks, but then you can ask them at the police station.
If your value is far above 1 ng/ml of active THC (and it can be assumed if you’ve recently stolen 20 minutes before the control) a fine procedure will first come to you. This means costs (incl. blood collection) of about 800 euros, 2 points in Flensburg and one month driving ban.
Then the FEB will report to you and most likely demand a MPU directly. If you cannot provide this positively in the specified period (usually 3 months), the withdrawal of the driving licence (no blocking period) takes place. For a pos. MPU you need at least. 6 months Abstinencen(possibly also 12) which you must provide in advance either by hair analysis or urine screening.
Says: the later the FEB reports to you, the better for you so you have the chance to get the necessary AN together. From that point, you should immediately stop ciffing to clean your body. In a few weeks you can get self-tests in the pharmacy and if they don’t strike positively you can register for an abstinence program.
But beware, the AN are just the “half rental”, important is that you prepare yourself thoroughly for the possibly upcoming MPU…
You will probably get a month of driving ban for the intoxicated ride and 500€ fine.
The driver’s license point will presumably ask you (if you’ve knocked just before the ride, your values will be correspondingly high) to deliver a positive MPU within a few months. If you don’t, you’ll be deprived of your driving permit. It’s shredded, it’s gone. Forever.
You can apply for a NEW driving permit after a positive MPU.
Even guilt.
If it was the first time you might come up with three months of reflection.
If an MPU has been arranged, there is nothing under 6 months of proven abstinence.
Then it must be accepted! What do you want?