THC-Urin Drogentest Nachweisbarkeit?

Wie lange ist Cannabis bzw THC im Urin (1 Joint jeden Monat) nachweisbar, wenn man einen Drogentest ausführt?

Zählt das als gelegentlicher Konsum wenn man nur 1 Joint jeden Monat konsumiert oder doch eher zum regelmäßigen? (Ich frage wegen dem THC Urin Nachweiszeiten beim Drogentest). Ab wann wird das Nanogramm im Blut senken damit es 1 Ng erreicht hat, wenn man am Anfang des Monats 1 Joint konsumiert?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The ingredients from a joint or its degradation products can be detected for a few days by urine. Details here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Jugabonito

If you smoke 1Joint at the beginning of the month, it will be detectable for a few days. 3/4 to 4/5 of the month you should be at least clean. More precisely, it cannot be said, as active substance content and individual factors play a role here. If you want to go, you better wait a little longer.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Jugabonito

In relation to the detection time table, this is to be regarded as ‘single consumption’.

2 years ago

If you rarely smoke, i.e. once a month, this will become after consumption average 4 days have been shown.

You can test your detection time yourself by buying some urine tests for cannabis with low cut-off value (Apotheke or Amazon) and then check what’s happening after three, four days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jugabonito

I think that can spark.
Incidentally, if you enter a police control and are prompted to make a pinkish test, you have the right to say no.

2 years ago

In case of blood withdrawal, failure phenomena must be present or you must have run unsafe or traffic-prone. A blood withdrawal, just because you refuse to participate in the Pinkeltest, is not held.

2 years ago

The body disassembles drugs unevenly, you can’t calculate how long it takes until it is no longer detectable at least you can’t calculate it exactly. As I said, it is different, can be lucky and it is no longer detectable during test or bad luck and it is still proven

2 years ago

I guess so 2-3 days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jugabonito

To the first

2 years ago

I don’t think after 30 days, but after a day.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jugabonito

Have your brains shot you away that you don’t understand a simple sentence?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jugabonito

Well, then, if you can do that. Dude? I’m W, little box.

2 years ago

It can be tested both on THC itself and on its degradation product THC-COOH. In most cases, the latter is the case, as consumption can be demonstrated so long. Here the corresponding data…