THC-Urin Drogentest Nachweisbarkeit?
Wie lange ist Cannabis bzw THC im Urin (1 Joint jeden Monat) nachweisbar, wenn man einen Drogentest ausführt?
Zählt das als gelegentlicher Konsum wenn man nur 1 Joint jeden Monat konsumiert oder doch eher zum regelmäßigen? (Ich frage wegen dem THC Urin Nachweiszeiten beim Drogentest). Ab wann wird das Nanogramm im Blut senken damit es 1 Ng erreicht hat, wenn man am Anfang des Monats 1 Joint konsumiert?
Vielen Dank
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
The ingredients from a joint or its degradation products can be detected for a few days by urine. Details here:
I need accurate information for 1 joint per month
If you smoke 1Joint at the beginning of the month, it will be detectable for a few days. 3/4 to 4/5 of the month you should be at least clean. More precisely, it cannot be said, as active substance content and individual factors play a role here. If you want to go, you better wait a little longer.
Do you think 1 joint per month, counts as occasional consumption or rather as regular?
In relation to the detection time table, this is to be regarded as ‘single consumption’.
Okey Thank you for the answer, What do you think if you consume 1 joint every month, it counts as an occasional consumption or rather a regular one?
So if you consume only 1 joint each month, how does it look exactly at the detection time table? Do you have any experiences?
Ah sry didn’t see and get the news from you, is that honestly a “simple consumption”? I think that’s really just 1 joint in life haha. I don’t think it can be that way, I guess one more of the two rather “historical consumption” and “regular consumption”, or what do you mean?
If you rarely smoke, i.e. once a month, this will become after consumption average 4 days have been shown.
You can test your detection time yourself by buying some urine tests for cannabis with low cut-off value (Apotheke or Amazon) and then check what’s happening after three, four days.
Hey, thank you for the answer. I ordered a THC urine drug test with a cut-off value of 25ng, do you think it would work with such a cut-off value? This cut-off value is already low in itself, right?
I think that can spark.
Incidentally, if you enter a police control and are prompted to make a pinkish test, you have the right to say no.
In case of blood withdrawal, failure phenomena must be present or you must have run unsafe or traffic-prone. A blood withdrawal, just because you refuse to participate in the Pinkeltest, is not held.
If the controller refuses any tests, but there is still a suspicion of drug use from officials,requesting a judicial decision for blood collection. According to Ulrich Weber, this is possible with a call within ten minutes. (Source:
In my opinion, there is nothing to deny the urine test, since blood is taken out and it is just as detectable in the blood if not even longer, so I find that the urintest is better than a blood loss if it is negative then it fits or what do you think? Would like to know your opinion.
The body disassembles drugs unevenly, you can’t calculate how long it takes until it is no longer detectable at least you can’t calculate it exactly. As I said, it is different, can be lucky and it is no longer detectable during test or bad luck and it is still proven
I guess so 2-3 days.
What of my questions is the answer?: “How long is cannabis or THC detectable in urine (1 joint per month) when performing a drug test?” Or “When will the nanogram be reduced in the blood so that it has reached 1 Ng if you consume 1 joint at the beginning of the month?”
To the first
I don’t think after 30 days, but after a day.
What exactly is meant?
Have your brains shot you away that you don’t understand a simple sentence?
Dude you are spinning 😂 I mean to which of my many ask, your answer refers to what you just wrote so pure doesn’t make any sense
Well, then, if you can do that. Dude? I’m W, little box.
It can be tested both on THC itself and on its degradation product THC-COOH. In most cases, the latter is the case, as consumption can be demonstrated so long. Here the corresponding data…