THC for blood?
I have a blood test in 2 months from my training but unfortunately I am a regular user and would consume for a month before that. Will there still be anything left or can I relax?
(The workplace has informed me on paper and I can sign it voluntarily)
Is that a job where drugs are tested? A normal blood test does not include it by default.
I work for the city soon
A friend of mine lost his license in 2021. He had cried every day. He started his abstinence too early. He was still positive after a month. Even in the second. Only in the third test could he begin his abstinence time. But you have to say he’s cut from morning to evening.
If you don’t want to risk your job, you should try to stay absolutely abstinent until the test term. Then you can buff again as before.
Who am I doing 1 and half months to 2 is it out there?
Google ‘Delivery of cannabis in blood’
Try to make smart. If you keep going, you’re actually fucked.
You can leave an appointment like that for reasons of illness.
Oke so it’s me
Computer says:
The detection period of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive active substance in cannabis, in the blood depends greatly on the frequency and amount of consumption.THC can be used up to12 weeksdetected in blood
The exact detection time may vary, however, as it depends on individual factors such as metabolism, body fat content and general health.
There stands up to three weeks, but since I releatively consume a lot I don’t know how it is
you will not make the month break
but it should fit
Is that safe or would have a par tips for micj
No, but the concentration will be at least so low that you can say you were drunk, there was a joint going around and you’ve been smoking bissel
Oke thanks for your advice
Why is drug testing? And if you are full-year: the possession and consumption of cannabis is not illegal.
It’s rutine investigation once work for city