Thc konsum?
hallo! Es geht darum am 25.7 muss ich einen pisstest machen. Ich habe bis mitte juni täglich einen joint konsumiert und jetz frag ich mich ob das bis dorthin aus mir raus ist. Auf google steht ja 1woche bis 3monaten kann das dauern. Was meint ihr?
Buy some urine tests with low cut off for cannabis. It’s Amazon.
If your ‘Pisstest’ has purely medically diagnostic background, it is not tested for drug use but only for diabetes and urinary infections.
Is a pee test at the bundesheer😂
I’d almost fight it.
With a positive test, nothing is said about your consumption.
Remedies would bring new test methods (e.g. saliva test) or two Pisstests (once at the fixed date) as it can be determined whether the THC-COOH value decreases.
In general, however, it is also known that the THC-COOH value does not say anything about the current consumption status.
That depends on when you started smoking daily.
If you have a year or more by doctor then take 3 months…
Could be tight.