Thc im Blut und Urin?
Moin Leute,
ich habe zuletzt vor 6-7 Monaten gekifft aber insgesamt nur 3 mal hab alle dreimal nur ein paar Züge genommen hab jetzt die kommende Woche eine ärztliche Untersuchung, ich wollte nachfragen, ob der Test immernoch positiv sein kann, ich hoffe das ihr mir weiterhelfen könnt.
In the hair it would probably be possible if hair length was still detectable.
Blood and urine are definitely clean
No definitely not. Most likely in a hair sample. But even there hardly. Don’t worry.
Diagnostic studies with blood or urine samples are definitely not drug tests. Never.
Blood withdrawals or urine tests for the detection of drug or alcohol consumption are carried out exclusively in transport or in serious crimes.
In the case of normal medical examinations for diagnostic clarification, a so-called ‘blood image’ is created with blood collection. The urine is used to search for references to diabetes or urinary tract infections.
Knowledge transfer for free: Google ‘Detection period of cannabis, rare consumption‘.
No, after such a long time really no longer, even with regular consumption before.