thc im blut?

hey, war heute beim frauenarzt und er hat mir gesagt ich soll in 15 tagen vorbeikommen und ein blutest machen , ich habe aber angst das er sehen kann das ich kiffe (ich habe die letzte woche jeden tag mit meinen freunden was geraucht)

sieht er es ? und wenn wird er es meinen eltern erzählen ? und ja, ich bin unter 18.

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You can’t find anything without looking for it. If a drug test has not been explicitly announced, no one will take place.

Apart from this, doctors are generally subject to confidentiality. In the case of minors, as long as they are classified as sufficient visibility and verdictability.

As it comes to our own health, doctors should always be open and honest, even in drug matters.

Maybe interesting:

2 years ago

Maybe he discovers it, your parents can only say it if it is acutely dangerous to health. – You should be more afraid of a psychologist.

2 years ago
Reply to  njajanabaaj

Am I a doctor?

2 years ago

Blood withdrawals from the doctor are not drug tests. Definitely not.

2 years ago

He won’t see it because he won’t look for it.