THC Haaranalyse 0,7g noch nachweisbar?


vorab schonmal lieben dank für ihre hilfreiche Antwort.

ich musste heute (17.05.23) eine Haarprobe abgeben welche auf THC getestet werden soll. 5,6cm haare wurden mir genommen. meine frage, ich habe am 22, 25+26 november jeweils 1 Joint geraucht (menge insgeamt 0,7g ca) ist dies in den Haaren noch nachweisbar??

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1 year ago

ömm, could get close…

Hair grow approx. 1 cm per month, it is 5.5 months ago and the sample is 5.5 cm long…

However, I have no idea what delay the THC is installed!

Anyone who consumes now could possibly only add THC next, or the next 2-3 weeks. It’s about small quantities!

1 year ago
Reply to  Spikeman197

May I ask what is to be incorporated? I pulled 2.3 times on the joint just 11 days ago, and I have to go to the lab tomorrow for urinary control.

1 year ago
Reply to  Meryela

I’m not a toxicologe, but it’s probably that THC, or its specific degradation products, is installed between the fibers during hair growth, which is almost just made of fiber proof, and can be detected almost forever in this fiber! It cannot be removed by washing or by washing! You either have to cut off the hair or destroy the hair (chemically) (chlorine? acids? bleaching agent?).

Many substances have a certain half-life with which they leave the body. Other substances are stored, for example, in the fat, which is why they are released in the NanoMaßstab e.g. with the middle milk.

In any case, I think that THC is safely incorporated into the hair by a joint for 2-3 days. I don’t know if you can prove it after 3 months. Probably a true PotHead would have to live for 4 weeks abstinent and then cut into a smoothness so that his headhair is THC-free.

You won’t be able to prove a joint after 1 week in the urine!

1 year ago

hmm, hard to say…theoretical already…Practic is just the question of whether you ‘all get caught’! Above all, I don’t know what molecules you can prove at all! If it were, bleach would be better because it always happens oxidatively!

In the body there are probably several oxidations in which alcohols and finally carboxylic acids form. However, the THC Desert is not yet destroyed. Depending on this, an experienced chemist/toxycologe would become stubborn, but this would still recognize!

1 year ago

Could be a possible one with several permanent waves. Capture THC consumption?

1 year ago

Oha, then the girls have real problem or hair analysis… Thanks for the answer

1 year ago

Do you think if I pull on the joint two times you’ll see that in your hair after a good month?

1 year ago

and what came out?