THC-Gehalt im Blut durch Blutspende senken?
Hallo liebe Community!
Nach 1,5 Jahren regelmäßigen Cannabiskonsum, habe ich nun diesen aufgegeben (seit 2 Wochen).
Hintergrund: Ich liebe Autofahren. Durch die Stigmatisierung der Konsumenten in Folge der möglichen Drogentests und deren unverhältnismäßig niedrigen Grenzwerten, habe ich mich für den Straßenverkehr entschieden.
Nun zur eigentlichen Frage:
Ist es sinnvoll und effektiv regelmäßig zur Blutspende (Plasma 2x die Woche, Vollblut alle 2 Monate) zu gehen, um schneller das Blut zu “säubern” und die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte in Zukunft einhalten zu können?
Ich möchte so schnell wie möglich die Abbauprodukte (THC-COOH) “verlieren”, um nicht gegebenenfalls meinen FS zu verlieren.
Ich bin seit 2 Jahren regelmäßiger Spender, bin gerne gesehen im Blutspendezentrum und habe stets gute Werte. Bitte keine Moralpredigten.
Vielen Dank für euren Rat.
In long-term consumption, THC is mainly not stored in the blood, but in the fatty tissue.
By donating blood, you do not remove THC, but at most the degradation product THC-COOH.
This allows the degradation of THC to be accelerated somewhat, but the effect should be marginal.
The good news: After 2 weeks of consumption, however, it is likely that active THC is no longer detectable, i.e. your driving permit is no longer directly threatened.
You can get test strips in the pharmacy – then you know when you are finally safe.
Thanks for this helpful answer. Can a MPU threaten, even without active THC and only with degradation products?
In theory, this would be possible if the degradation values prove regular consumption.
However, the value is so high that really excessive consumption is necessary to crack this limit.
When blood is donated, the blood is not cleaned…
That makes dialysis. It is not for cases like you, but for patients with renal insufficiency.
But that’s my laity opinion, I’m not a doctor.
Purifying was rather metaphorical. In addition, it wanted to see if it was possible to accelerate the degradation of the residual products of THC with regular donations. LG
You’ll have to decide. Use or drive.
Thank you for the answer, perhaps I have expressed myself unequivocally, I have stopped for two weeks and have no more interest in driving only for the car. I’m concerned if blood donations can help get the degradation products out of the blood faster. LG
No. The relarive content is thus not reduced.
You know, in a questionnaire, the DRK wants to know if you took drugs before you donate? Furthermore, a cardi is created and should come out that you took or took drugs, that was with donation