Textilbekleidung insekten entfernen?
Hey leute.
Wollte euch mal fragen wie bzw womit ihr insekten von eurer textilkombi entfernt. Da meine schwarz/weis/ rot is, trau ich mich nich mit nem schwamm ran, da ich angst hab das das dann etwas schwarz wird. Oder kann man das ohne bedenken machen?
Make the kitchen roll wet. Don’t use a toilet paper. Only water, no cleaner, no dishwashing agent.
Put the kitchen roll on the jacket, wait 5 minutes. Subsequently, insect remains “withdraw off” with the kitchen roll.
Depending on how much remains you have already collected: Simply brush it with a hand-fever. There’s a lot going on. The rest -> will be done with the kitchen roll.
And the already crushed (green stains) also simply with a kitchen roll?