Tetanus Auffrischung vergessen, Immunisierung weg?
meine letzte Auffrischungsimpfung ist 12 Jahre her. Ich wollte eigentlich vor 3-4 Jahren eine Auffrischung machen, aber mein damaliger Hausarzt hielt das nicht für nötig.
Jetzt ist es schon 2 Jahre überfällig. Kann man davon ausgehen, dass die Immunisierung trotzdem noch da ist oder geht die Abwehr nach 10 Jahren komplett flöten?
Habe ansonsten die normale Grundimmunisierung + Auffrischungen.
Und ist es bei kleineren Wunden die man sich im Haushalt holt wahrscheinlich oder muss man sich da keinen Kopf machen? (z. B. einem rostigen schmutzigen Schaber)
You can’t see that close.
Thanks for the star.
The vaccination has left something behind, but is not yet zero. Refreshing can now be quite normal and that’s enough.
See FSME there has only recently been extended the interval. And you could be longer, but then there is risk for individuals not being sufficiently protected. So that the vaccination protection is completely gone, it takes much longer.
I would certainly stick to the normal refreshment periods. Did your pediatrician say why he didn’t think it was necessary?
No, probably wasn’t 10 years, so…
Read it. Then I’d just catch up with it for security.
So it’s hard to read. My current doctor would have read for example 2017, evtl has my previous one too. But what can not be because the stamp comes from a doctor where I could not have been at least 12 years. 😀 Even I cannot say on the basis of the registered date whether it is 2010 or 2012. So whoever has filled this has not taken much care in legibility. I would say that this was probably 2010. Thus the refreshment was possibly overdue for 4 years. At least it was now well readable. 😀
Go to the pediatrician and stop vaccinating (he will tell you how often you have to be vaccinated).
Okay, I had it anyway. I was just worried about whether it was dramatic if you did not comply with the prescribed period.
It is important that you are vaccinated and that as before any infection as possible.
But, at least in Tetanus, it seems to be that the vaccination works quite fast — faster than the possible infection.
I had an injury several years ago and hadn’t had my vaccination book in the hospital – I was simply vaccinated against Tetanus in a profile.
In many other infections, however, this does not work, as vaccinations sometimes require over a week until they are fully effective.
That’s good, because then you’ll be fully protected.
I had read that they would probably give you immunoglobulin next to a vaccination to prevent a possible infection. But it depends on the serious of the injury.
Usually a tetanus vaccination takes 2 weeks until the body has the immunity again.
Whatever. I was refreshed this morning. Keuchhusten and Diptherie vaccination were the same. Especially the keuch cough seems very common.
The Bundesärztekammer recommends after vaccination (with tetanol) and Tetagam) no more refreshment.