Teststreifen von sunlive Erfahrungen?
Ich bin seid 3 Tagen überfallig und habe diesen test gelesen. Aber ich bin mir sehr unsicher da ich ihn wahrscheinlich falsch gemacht habe. Ich habe drauf gepinkelt und keinen Becher genommen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher wie ich dieses Ergebniss Werten soll. Sollte ich lieber noch einen machen?
Yes, go ahead and read the instructions and do it as it stands. Best morning with the first urine after getting up.
Absolutely every pregnancy test is reliable from 19 days after the last intercourse.
The test on the picture looks negative.
If your period continues to wait, I would test again – if you have more safety, use a plastic cup.
Better make one more with the mug, it would be unlikely to have so many hormones in the urine at this time of pregnancy that pure spidling is enough. Otherwise simply to the FA that can then say it with certainty.
Why would it make a difference with regard to the hormone concentration in the urine if you dip or spin the test strip in urine?
Because in a beaker the test is longer in urine than when you spin on it, especially in the early ss
I don’t even have a beam for 10 seconds
No. If you pee on it for ten seconds, as described in the instructions, you have pinched on it for ten seconds.