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The test was not successful. Either it was too little liquid (three drops!) or it was too old or anything else.
The control line at C (Control) is far too weak. Based on this test, it cannot be said whether the test itself failed or the germ rate is deterioratingly low.
In the case of a slight infection, the test coat should become as colourful as the control coat. At an even higher germ rate, it becomes even much stronger than the C-Strich.
Repeat test.
You can’t see it well on the photo. But if you hadn’t seen anything, you wouldn’t ask. A light stroke can also show a positive result. I’d make another test for safety. If it is a possible treatment, in case of doubt, you should ask a doctor.
When you click on the photo you can see it sharper
Thank you. So, I see a bright line and would therefore start from a positive result and not go to the grandma. 😉 Good improvement!
even if it’s not a coronatest with you, I had a slight second line at the beginning of my corona infection as with your test.
I then read a little, then (August 2022) was the information that every second line, even if it is so weak, indicates an infection, so positive.
At that time I was the reason for the weak second line that I was at the beginning of the covid infection.
I would recommend repeating the test in a few hours to see what the test result looks like when repeating.
Otherwise, look into the package leaflet whether the scenario of a weak second line is described there.
I hope I could help you.
LG Markus
Yeah looks like a little pregnant. So the amount of excitement is very low, but obviously there is. Or remains of this to which the test still reacts weakly.
I had something like that at Corona. When I had it, T was thick and fat visible. Two days later a little weaker. Another 2 days later only gaaaanz easily recognizable, as with your test here. Again two days later, even with the magnifying glass was no longer recognizable. Was always the same test from the factory from the same batch.
It looks slightly positive. Make another one for security.
So more positive?
So say yes.
In principle, it doesn’t matter. Quarantine or mouth protection is no longer required.
Nothing to see on the picture. And it counts just what to see after the end of time, everything after that is no longer valid.
Oh, no, flashbacks..
..but at least the test on the picture is not positive, which is a positive thing 👍
He is. When you click on the image, you can see the light 2nd line
I had such a result several times, my classmates had this result several times – No one had Corona
Easy positive is also positive
When the line appeared in the specified time window
A light stroke also means positive at the coronatest.
And yes, the light line is here.
No. Negative
Really? When you get fucked it gets sharper
Of course, “positive” pregnant, is like “something” dead.
Go to your doctor.
hau nen yellow pure that fits
No, not positive.
It’s not positive.