Tesla Model 3 Umweltbonus?
Ich interessiere mich sehr für Tesla, und habe auch schon viele Videos etc darüber gesehen.
Auf der Tesla Website steht ja “Jedes Model 3 qualifiziert sich für den Umweltbonus von 9.000€”, wird der Preis schon miteingerechnet oder kann Ich die 9.000€ von den ca 45.000€ für den Model 3 abziehen?
Danke im Voraus
The 9000€ environmental bonus consists of the manufacturer’s share of 3000€ and the state share of 6000€. At Tesla the 3000€ are already included, so you can only withdraw the 6000€.
Thank you
Attention, the full amount of funding is only achieved if you are below 40T net at the base price. With too much special equipment there is only half of it very quickly.
So 38,000€ with the environmental bonus?
The model 3 is currently the cheapest for 38k €. By Tesla itself thanks to the bonus and the VAT reduction.
Attention, my contribution referred to net.
What do you mean?
How much would I then buy Model 3 for 44.000€? 😊
Special equipment is fired as long as the net basic price is below €40,000. According to Tesla, all variants of the model 3 qualify for the full amount of funding. I think that Tesla is officially not a stand-alone model, but just a special equipment. In doubt, the SR+ model is definitely on the safe side, even if you order the autopilot for 7000€.
You will get 3,000€ discount from Tesla and the 6,000€ promotion will be included in the deposit you have to pay in any case and after the admission you will have to make an application at BAFA to get the 6,000€ deposit back.
Finish the school first, Bub.